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Six years ago... 

"Hey are you new here? It's the first time that I saw you here" asked by the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her skin is white as a cotton, it's as if she hasn't seen the sun for years.

"Yes ma'am but I only work part time here that's why you don't see me often" I replied shyly. Her beauty makes me feel awkward. This is the first time that a customer paid attention to me. They usually come and go.

I am working as a part-time cashier and waitress in a pastry shop near the university belt. I need to work in order to finish high school. I cannot afford my needs in school because my mom's salary is just enough for food and payment for our house rent. A lot of our neighbors at my age already stopped going to school but I'm not the kind of person that abandons school just because of financial problems. I need to finish my studies in order to help mom.

"Really? Why part time only?" she asked me curiously while resting her face on her right hand. I'm mopping the floor and there are only a few customers and there's not much to do so I have the liberty to answer her questions.

It's hard to ignore a beautiful girl like her. She's also high-school student, and she's rich. It's obvious on her uniform because she's wearing the uniform of one of the most expensive private schools around the area. I wish I could have the chance to study in her school when I graduate. Her school is a university so it also covers college and masters degree courses.

"Because I'm still studying in high school and in order to finish it, I must work part time" I replied after wiping the sweat on my face. The temperature is quite high today.

"Wow! You're so amazing" she praised me with a big smile on her face. 

She's more beautiful when smiling. I blushed because it is the first time that someone acknowledged my hard work. It's probably amazing for her because she never experienced being poor.

"What year are you in?" she added when I didn't respond.

"I'm in 10th grade, miss" I replied politely while still mopping the floor. I don't know why she's suddenly interested in my life but I'm glad that she's talking to me.

"My name is Alessa Mendez, I'm in my senior year now. What's your name?"

"I'm Ginger Vera" she chuckled when she heard my name, well I can't blame her. I wonder why my mom gave me that name.

"Sorry for laughing. It's just that your name makes me hungry but I like it. It's unique" I blushed again at what she said. She even winked afterwards.

"Thank you, miss" I replied shyly.

"Stop calling me miss, you can call me by my name." she suggested but I shook my head in protest. 

I feel like it is disrespectful to call a customer by their name. Even if they are being friendly.

"Come on, don't be shy. I insist" she then extended her hand to shake hands with me.

I hesitated because my hand is dirty but she grabbed it gently. Her hand is so soft compared to my calloused hands and it made me feel embarrassed.

"Let's be friends, Ginger" she said sweetly after releasing my hand.

I guess I don't have a choice but to agree. She's too charming to be turned down.

"Okay, Alessa" 

After that conversation, she started hanging out and talking to me in the shop during my duty.

                               🍌 🍌🍌

It's been a month now since we started talking and I'm still feeling shy whenever she talks to me. She's so humble, usually rich kids are snobs and brat, but she's different and I'm happy that I have the chance to get to know her.

Today was not busy and there were only a few customers. I'm cleaning the counter when Alessa arrived at the shop together with her friends. I'm surprised when she called me to introduce them. I hesitated at first but I still went to their table after she called me the second time.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my new friend. Ginger, she's in 10th grade" Alessa explained. All of them smiled but I feel like they're just doing it just to please their friend.

I greeted all of them and then I took their orders afterwards. I went back to the counter to punch the orders and I was about to return to their table when I heard Albert speak.

"Ouch! She's not my type okay? I just complimented her nothing more nothing less. I don't fancy poor girls" all of them laughed except Alessa. I didn't expect what she did next. She stood up and then she slammed the table afterwards.

"She may be poor but she's educated and well-mannered. Look at all of you, you're rich and educated but you all lack manners!" She scolded them before walking out of the shop.

Her friends were taken aback by her sudden outrage. One of them called her but she ignored it. I'm touched because she defended me. I don't care about what Albert thinks of me because we're not close. What's important to me is that she doesn't think of me the same way. 

All of them left the shop as soon as they finished eating but they left a one hundred bill tip. I scoffed when I saw it before putting the bill in the tip jar.

I finished my shift after five hours. I prepared my things and changed into my school uniform because I have an afternoon class. I walked out of the shop and I'm surprised when I saw Alessa waiting for me. She smiled as soon as she saw me approaching.

She's really beautiful. I said mentally before waving to her.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired curiously.

"Waiting for you," she replied, still smiling.

"Why?" It's the first time that she waited for me to finish my shift so I'm really curious.

"I just want to say sorry about what happened earlier. Albert is such an ass, but he's not always like that" she said apologetically.

"Don't worry because it's nothing to me. I don't get easily offended." I assured her.

 "But thank you for defending me. I really appreciate that" I didn't expect her to be so concerned but I'm really grateful to her. I frowned when she handed me a box of cake afterwards.

"Here, bring it to your school and eat it on your break time, or you can bring it home so you won't have to share it to your classmates" she joked.

"No! I can't accept that" I shook my head in objection.

"Come on! Accept it. I'll get mad if you don't take this, we're friends right? We should help each other," she insisted.

I usually hate it when someone forces me on anything but she's different. I find it hard to refuse her requests. I took the cake afterwards. She smiled in victory before pulling me to the parking area where her car is parked.

"Come, I'll drive you to your school"

My eyes widened in amazement when I saw her car. It's a customized magenta pink convertible Mustang. She's only in high school but she already has a sports car. I can't help myself not to feel envious.

She opened the door of the passenger's seat and then she motioned me to enter. I obliged shyly afterwards.

"Thank you" I feel like a princess right now. I'm only seeing that kind of gesture from a man, and in the movies.


My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now