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Alessa's POV

Today is the birthday of Ginger's mom. She invited me and I'm pretty nervous because it's the first time that I'm going to meet her mom and it's also the first time that I'm going to see their house. She talks about her mom a lot and how much she loves her.

"I told you already! Don't bother buying a gift for mom because your presence is enough" She rebuked me as soon as she saw me holding a gift.

"Nah, it's my first time to meet your mom and it's her birthday so let me spoil her a bit," I replied with a smile.

"But I'm sure this is expensive! I know you Lessa, you don't buy cheap things" She argued. She's pouting and it made me chuckle because she looked cute.

"That's not expensive, trust me" I assured her. I gave her a wink afterwards but she rolled her eyes at me in response.

I bought her mom a pink blood pressure apparatus set because she told me before that her mother have a hypertension. That way they can monitor her mom's blood pressure.

How brilliant of me to think of this I praised myself mentally while grinning like a fool.

"Just a heads up. Our house is small and we only have one bedroom" She explained. 

I frowned at her because I don't feel the need for her to explain it to me. I reached for her left hand and then I pressed it gently.

"Geez! Don't worry, okay? I'm not expecting anything and I don't care what your house looks like as long as it has a roof" I joked to ease the embarrassment that she's feeling. I smiled when I saw the relief on her face.

We arrived at their house after twenty minutes of driving. Like I said a while ago, I'm not expecting much but I'm still shocked after seeing the surroundings. I didn't let her notice it though. The place is muddy and crowded with people who're either loitering or doing laundry on the street.

I parked my car in front of their house and the people started looking at us the moment we stepped out of my car. Their house's façade is kind of cute and the wall outside is painted in pink.

"Hey Ginger! Who's your pretty friend?" her guy neighbor asked. He is topless and his body is shining due to sweat. He also reeks of alcohol.

"It's none of your business kuya Edgar!" Ginger scowled at him.

"Don't mind him, Lessa," she added before gently pushing me inside their house.

Their living room is small but tidy. Their couch is shabby but cozy. We decided to sit down as we waited for her mom to come out of their room.

"Mom we're here! What are you doing in there?" Ginger said excitedly.

The door of their room opened afterwards and her mom appeared with a big smile on her face. Ginger was right, she's really pretty.

"I'm sorry for waiting. I took a bath," She explained apologetically. Ginger just hugged her in response. 

"Mom, this is Alessa Mendez" Ginger introduced. 

My nervousness grew when she averted her eyes on me. I offered my right hand to shake hands with her but she ignored it and she hugged me tight instead. It's very calming and it made me feel comfortable.

"It's good to finally meet you Alessa! I heard a lot of things about you" she said before glancing at Ginger. I smiled when she blushed, she's really cute.

"I hope she said all the good things. By the way, happy birthday" I said politely before giving my gift. She happily accepted it.

"Thank you dear, by the way you can call me mom too. Only if you're comfortable about it" She suggested. She then walked to the dining table to start preparing the food.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now