Ch.26 Monster Step Mom.

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Great I will be alone for a month in our house, I hate being alone because I will just remember my mom and all the sad things that happened to me before.

Janine is also away for a week, I'm gonna miss her for sure. I sighed heavily while sitting on the couch, I don't feel like going to school today.

These past few days I focused on being with Janine, it's not that it's an obligation but I enjoy her company. I am starting to act civil towards Alessa as well and I am trying my very hardest to be happy for her though I am hurting.

When she's around with dad I always stay in my room just to avoid seeing them being sweet with each other, just like tonight, she's with dad in his room.

I know they're talking about dad's business trip and they will have sex after that for sure. I'm already hungry though I just ate so I stood up afterwards and headed to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

I smiled when I saw a box of red apple on the countertop. I sat beside it and took a piece of apple to eat. I love loitering in the kitchen because I love earring. I leaned my back to the while and closed my eyes to savor the sweet taste of the apple.

I opened my eyes immediately when I heard footsteps approaching. It's Alessa, I frowned when I noticed that her hair messy so is her shirt. I sighed because I know why. I sat up straight and didn't make any sound, she didn't notice me because the lights are dim.

She flinched when she saw me after closing the fridge. I smirked by her reaction.

"Did you have a good time? Why didn't you take a shower?" I can't help not to ask. I wonder who's better in bed.

"You stink of sex" I said flatly when she asked me why.

I don't want to start a fight with her, I'm just curious if who's better in bed.

I'm surprised when she told me that Janine slapped and threatened her. I know Janine won't slap her without a valid reason, I will ask her tomorrow about that.

"She will not do that trust me, I trust her to the point that I told her everything, yes you have your own life now and I will try my best to be happy for dad and you" it hurts knowing that she moved on from me already and has her own life now.

"Why are you so nice to me suddenly? Am I forgiven?" she asked curiously. I shook my head, I know to myself that I haven't forgiven her yet.

"I am not nice to you, I am being civil with you. Janine made me realize that there's no point in seeking revenge because it will only end up hurting dad, you're still not forgiven but I don't hate you anymore" I said truthfully.

" you love Janine?" she asked stuttering, I frowned by her question.

There's a part of me that's telling me to say no but I know to myself that I do love Janine, though it's not as much as I love her.

"Yes" I said flatly.

It's time to end things in a nice way, maybe she's asking me that because she wants to know if I already moved on from her as well. I don't know if I saw a glimpse of sadness on her face or it's just because of the dim lights.

She hugged me afterwards, I want to push her because I can smell my dad's perfume on her, it makes me want to puke but I held myself. I let her hug me because I missed it, her soft body that once became mine.

"Thank you for understanding my situation" she said before walking out of the kitchen.

I watched her till she disappeared from my sight. I flinched when I felt my tears streaming down my face. We already have the closure.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now