Ch.30 Two is better than one.

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I avoided Ginger since the incident in the kitchen. Not because I'm still mad at her, but because I'm mad with myself.

I'm mad because I enjoy spending time with her, I enjoy making love with her. I'm afraid because my love for her keeps growing more and more and I don't want that, I don't want to love her more than I love her father.

I can't calm myself whenever she's around. It makes me want to touch her again, I want her to touch me again. She's doing the same by going to school earlier than me and going home super late. I guess it's the best thing to do in order for both of us to make things right.

I woke up earlier today than expected, it's only six in the morning. I closed my eyes again to sleep but I can't so I decided to stand up and just cook.

My mood today is good and I don't know why, maybe because of my hormones. I decided to cook fried rice and fried eggplants with fresh tomatoes. I'm enjoying what I'm doing that I didn't realize that it's already eight.

I frowned when I noticed that Ginger isn't awake yet, she will be late for sure if she's still asleep so I decided to wake her up.

"Ginger wake up. You're gonna be late if you don't eat your breakfast now" I said gently after two knocks.

"I'll be down in fifteen minutes" she said sounding still sleepy.

I'm beginning to act just like her real mom I said to myself while shaking my head. I headed back to the kitchen afterwards to prepare the table.

"Good morning" I greeted her smiling. We should talk because it's not healthy living in the same house and not talking at all. Her uniform suits her very well.

"Morning" she greeted me as well before sitting on her chair, she didn't open any topic for us to talk so I changed my mind, maybe she's still mad at me because of what I said.

"There are lots of foods, you're done already?" I asked her before sipping my coffee.

"Yeah I'm done thank you" she replied smiling before heading out of the kitchen.

"At least she smiled at me" I mumbled smiling.


My class today is boring and short so I got home earlier, it's only two in the afternoon. Maya is busy with her upcoming defense as well so she refused when I invited her to hang out with me. I miss her already, especially right now because I don't have someone to talk to.

I headed straight to my room and decided to just watch a movie. I ended up watching Resident Evil and in fairness, the movie is really good.

I'm currently watching the third installment which is the Resident Evil: Extinction when my phone rang.

I sighed heavily when I saw Emman's name on the screen.

"Hello" I answered faking a happy tone.

"Hey gorgeous! How are you?" he asked cheerfully. I miss him too.

"I'm fine and you? When are you coming back?" he needs to come back before I betray myself again, I need him in order for me to forget Ginger completely.

"There's only one and a half week left, don't worry I'll never leave you again. I miss you so much and it's so lonely when you're not here" He said sadly.

"I missed you too I can't wait to see you" I replied smiling.

"Me either, how's Ginger? I hope she's fine" he asked after a moment.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now