Ch.25 Chemistry or History?

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"Ginger what happened to you? Ginger wake up!" she's not opening her eyes. I've been shaking her for a minute already but she's still not answering.

I'm already crying, I don't know what to do. I will not forgive myself if something bad happened to her. I tried checking her pulse but the beat is so slow.

Please God don't let her die.

"Ginger" I called her name once again before tapping her face gently.

I rejoiced when I heard her groan afterwards.

"I thought you're already dead! What happened to you?" I said while hugging her tight, the panic is still in my voice.

"Huh? I'm just sleeping" I frowned at her. She definitely don't look like she's just sleeping.

"Sleeping on the floor? my God Ginger?!" I blurted out in disbelief.

"I just missed sleeping on the floor" she argued almost whispering.

"I thought something bad happened to you, your dad called me and said that you aren't answering his calls" I sighed in relief, I'm glad that she's okay.

"Oh he's calling, sorry I didn't hear" she's a sleepyhead so I'm not surprised.

I'm about to lecture her about sleeping on the floor when I heard her stomach rumbling.

"You haven't eaten yet?" I inquired while raising my right brow. She chuckled before shaking her head slowly.

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday, just water" I rolled my eyes when I saw the pitcher on the center table.

Lazy I said mentally.

"Why didn't you eat? There are lots of food in the fridge you can cook-"

"I already forgot how to. I stopped cooking six years ago because dad didn't allow me to do household chores anymore" she paused because she's already out of strength.

"I don't even remember what's the use of the real ginger" she mumbled.

I chuckled before making her head rest on my lap.

"You should have at least ordered something" I argued while massaging her forehead.

I flinched when she suddenly hugged my waist.

"I'm so tired, I can't move and I'm so hungry. Everybody left, they all leave when I needed them the most" I can't help myself not to feel bad for her. I feel so guilty for refusing Emman's request to stay with her.

"Where is Janine? She's supposed to take care of you" I asked not hiding the annoyance on my voice.

"She's with her boyfriend" I frowned.

"I thought she's your girlfriend?" I asked her confused.

"Yeah she said she's my girlfriend" I smiled because I got what she meant. I'm glad to know that they're not real lovers.

I need to cook since she hasn't eaten anything yet, I was about to stand up when she stopped me by hugging my waist again.

"How can I stand up and cook if you're not going to remove your hands on my waist?"

"Let's stay like this for a while" My heart skipped a bit upon hearing what she said.

This is not civil.

I missed her hug so much but I need to cook so I removed her arms gently and stood up afterwards.

"If we stay like this I'm sure you will die of starvation" I'm about to head to the kitchen when she grabbed my foot to stop me again.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now