Ch.33 I love you Goodbye.

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I'm tired of sneaking moments with Alessa whenever dad is busy preparing for their wedding. It's been two weeks already since Alessa promised me to tell him about our relationship. 

I already stopped hoping because I don't see any effort that she's doing, I also stopped talking to her and avoided her whenever she tries to come near me.

I'm always out partying , I also stopped talking to Janine because I don't want her to think that I'm using her to forget Alessa, that's just too much for her.

I parked my car outside of our gate because I don't want to cause attention to anyone. I glanced at my clock, it's already four in the morning. I scooted directly to the stairs but stopped in the middle when I heard dad mutter my name.

"Yes?" I said while gazing at him. I don't feel like talking to him, since he came home from London. 

I know that he wakes up early but I never thought that he's this early.

"You've been always out partying, we should bond you know" he said while his focus is still on the newspaper.

"Maybe next time" I replied simply.

 He puts down the newspaper and gazed at me frowning.

"That's what you said last time. Are you avoiding me? or perhaps Alessa?" he asked suspiciously. 

Does he know something? I asked myself mentally.

"No!" I replied defensively. I shrugged my shoulder afterwards in surrender.

"Fine, what do you want us to do?" His face brightened upon hearing what I said.

"Very good! I want us to look for a church for my wedding since Alessa told me the motif already" he said excitedly.

"What's her motif?" I asked mindlessly.

"Violet and black" I frowned upon hearing his reply. I can't believe that she's going to use my motif for her wedding.

"I'm quite surprised that she likes violet and black" he said smiling.

"She don't like it, she just wants to hurt me" I mumbled angrily.


"I said when are we going to look for a church?" I replied hastily.

"Today, go sleep now and we'll leave in the afternoon" he replied excitedly. I just shrugged my shoulders in response before heading to my room.

"Why didn't I see it before? that she's just using me?" I said as soon I slammed my door shut.

"Stupid!" I yelled in anger as I opened the can of beer. I need to be drunk so that I'll be able to sleep.

I woke up an hour earlier than my alarm. 

"Fudge" I muttered in pain. Hangover is killing me but I have to wake up to accompany dad. I jumped off my bed to take aspirin.

I picked up my phone afterwards and dialed dad's number, I headed to the terrace to breathe some fresh air while waiting for him to answer my call. 

"Great" I muttered and cancelled the call to my dad when I saw Alessa standing alone in the terrace.

Everything is so messed up, dad still wants to marry Alessaafter all what happened in the terrace.

Because he loves her! I smiled bitterly. I guess we're the same, still loving the same person that hurts us.

My tears are starting to form but I closed my eyes to stop it from falling , I don't want her to see me crying because she doesn't deserve even a single tear from me. 

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now