Ch.15 Reward

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I arrived at the school at exactly seven in the morning, I still have an hour to spare because my first class is going to start at eight.

I haven't had enough sleep because I worked on my thesis last night and it was really hard. Sometimes I regret taking masters degree but I have to, I have to prove to my parents that I can handle our business and can improve more my skills.

Good thing that Emman is very understanding, he's always very supportive to what I want to do in my life and I'm glad that our engagement never became a hindrance. I am really thankful that I met him.

Maya and decided to meet at the park where we agreed to study together though we are taking different course. I'm a bit popular in our school because when I was in my College years, I became the Miss Business Administration pageant winner and I also become the President of the student council.

I am also a varsity of lawn tennis that's why even when I graduated and now taking my masters degree, I am still recognized. I have quite an amount of suitors as well though they all now that I'm already engaged.

"Hi Alessa" Victor greeted me.

He's one of my avid suitors, usually I don't entertain them but he is an exception because he is my friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entertaining him as a suitor, I am entertaining him as a friend only.

"Hi Victor, so no training today?" he is now the coach of the soccer team. He applied for it as soon as we graduated, he is hired immediately because he used to be one of the best varsity during our college years.

"Actually I have. I just came to greet the both of you. Hi Maya" He waved to Maya which caused her to blush.

I chuckled because I know that she have abig crush on Victor ever since we're in college.

"I have to go" he winked before heading to the field where the students are already warming up.

"He's really handsome!" Maya squealed while giggling. He really is but he's not my type.

"You're too loud" I rebuked her while rolling my eyes.

"Let's head to the library, I need to get something" I said before standing up.

I frowned when I caught a familiar figure on my peripheral vision.

I turned on my left and saw Ginger as an unfamiliar girl hugged and kissed her afterwards. She looks so pleased and even leaned closer to kiss the girl once again.

Damn you Ginger, are you gonna kiss all the girls here in school!? I yelled at her mentally.

"OMG" Maya exclaimed in shock when she saw it too. She then pulled me to their direction afterwards.

She introduced us to the unknown girl which she called Janine. I felt my insecurities grew when I saw what she's wearing, she's a tourism student.

Tall for a regular teenager and she's almost my height, petite and beautiful with her tan glowing skin. She looked extremely close to her considering that Ginger's been here for only three days. She really is a charmer just like her father, no wonder they're related.

I sighed because I felt my jealousy grew, but I don't want anyone to see it, especially her. My brow arched when she said that they are best friends already. I can really tell that they are not because you don't kiss your best friend on her lips.

I blushed when she suddenly reminded me that we used to kiss when we are not yet lovers. It makes me feel guilty and embarrassed whenever she opens up something that we do in the past.

How dare her question the way I dress when Emman didn't. Good thing Janine interrupted us cause if not, I'm sure that we will just argue.

"I wonder what reward Janine is talking about" Maya said as soon as we arrived in the library.

"Reward?" I asked frowning.

"Never mind, you're busy arguing when Ginger talked about that best friend thing" she said grinning.

"I never thought that you are the aggressive type back in high-school. Goodness Alessa you really took advantage of her back then" She teased me, I raised my brow and pinched her waist.

"Shut up! She enjoyed that as much as I am" I said while trying my best to hide my embarrassment.

Until now I can't deny the fact Ginger still have an effect on me.


My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now