Ch.28 Guilty Pleasures.

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I woke up with the sound of my phone buzzing, it's a text from Janine.

-Sorry for leaving you last night, personal problems but I'm okay now I'll see you at school later... XoXo

I frowned upon reading it, she is the type of person who doesn't talk much about her family and her personal problems. As much as I want to help her I can't  because she limits the things that she open up to me, she knows my story but I don't know hers.

I sighed before standing up.

"Fuck" I cursed when I realized that I'm naked. I closed my eyes afterwards, trying to remember what happened last night.

"Fuck" I cussed again upon remembering.

I love you Lessa, I still do..

I put on my clothes immediately and ran to the living room to talk to her, I need to apologize.

"Alessa" I called her name when I arrived in the living room but she didn't respond so I headed to the kitchen afterwards.

I smiled when I saw her cooking, I decided to just sit down and watch her for a bit. She's still wearing her negligee, the curve of her body is obvious, gulped when my eyes landed on her butt. She's turning me on again.

She's taken aback when she saw me sitting on the chair. She just greeted me before turning her attention back to the pancake that she's cooking.

Apologize now! My mind said interrupting my thoughts.

I stood up but I didn't say anything, when I woke up I felt guilty because I touched her, but now all I feel is lust, my body is longing for her.

"I will apologize later" I mumbled before hugging her back. I want her right now.


It's been three days and we're doing it every day, I can't control myself not to touch her before and after school. She's like a drug to me and I'm addicted to her, I'm just glad that she's not stopping me.

I sighed heavily before sitting on the bench. I'm too early for our first subject and Janine hasn't arrived yet. We haven't got the chance to bond after school because I'm too excited to go home because I know that Alessa is already waiting for me.

"Hey" I looked up to see Janine standing in front me smiling, she's so beautiful. I'm sure a lot of boys are dying to ask her out.

"Hey you're early!" I said cheerfully.

She smiled before bowing down to give me a peck on my lips.

"I have to, we haven't had the chance to talk and bond lately" she said before sitting beside me.

I suddenly felt guilty, I've been ignoring her for a few days already because all of my focus is on Alessa.

"I'm sorry... I w---"

"It's okay you don't have to explain to me. Plus I'm not surprised why" she interrupted me smiling.

"It's not what you think it is" I said defensively.
She just chuckled while fixing her gaze to the students that are busy dancing.

"It doesn't matter whatever I think, you're an adult now, you have the freedom to do what you want and I hope that she loves you the way you do" she's smiling but I can sense the sadness on her voice while saying that.

"I hope so too" I replied flatly. I can't keep secrets to her, she can read me easily and that's what I admire about her.

"By the way where is your new boyfriend?" I asked changing the topic. I suddenly remember that she said she's entertaining someone.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now