Ch.21 Question and Answer.

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I sat down on the side of my bed massaging my temple, my head hurts so much.

"How can I let this happen? I'm not gonna get drunk again" I said while touching my breast.

The hickeys are pretty obvious so I can't wear a V-neck today. I need to let my hair down to cover up the ones on my neck.

"Stupid!" I slapped my head before heading to the bathroom to take a bath.

I checked myself in the rearview mirror of my car before heading to my first class.

"Hey!" I turned around and saw Maya running towards me.

I stopped and decided to sit on the bench while waiting for her. I can still feel Ginger's lips on mine and on my body.

"Hey" I greeted her half smiling. As much as possible I am limiting myself from moving because I don't want her to see my hickeys.

"How's last night? where's Ginger?" she asked before sitting beside me.

So she's the reason why I'm with Ginger, she ditched me! I said mentally while glaring at her.

"How dare you let me go home with her? Goodness Maya of all people?" I said while slapping her shoulder in annoyance.

"I...I'm sorry I'm also drunk last night. We're probably dead right now if I pushed myself to drive. Besides, there's no one I can trust except her, unless you wanted me to call Emman" she pointed out.

"Did something happened last night?" She added. My face flushed, I will definitely not gonna tell her.

"She left before I wake up" I said hastily and was about to stand up when my hair was suddenly blown by the heavy wind, allowing my neck to be exposed.

Maya's eyes widen in shock upon seeing the hickey, I fixed my hair back immediately to cover it.

"Holy shit! you did it with her!" she blurted out.

"No!" I shook my head in denial. My face is bright red because of embarrassment.

"Oh don't deny it, it's pretty obvious. You should have told her to put the hickeys on your hidden parts" she teased me upon recovering from shock.

"I'm drunk okay? I don't know what I'm doing, she took advantage of me!" I defended myself.

"Took advantage of you? I don't think so. Judging you from last night, I'm sure it's definitely you who took advantage of her" she said smirking which made me frown.

"You should believe me! I'm your best friend" I said pretending to sound hurt. I'm trying to convince her that I'm not the one who initiated what happened last night.

"Alessa baby don't tell me that bullshit, we know what we are doing when we are drunk, it's just that alcohol gives us the courage to do the things that we hesitate to do when we're sane" she explained while moving her index finger sideways.

I sighed before raising my hands in surrender, I really can't win an argument to her.

"Okay, maybe I seduced her but she can refuse me you know? but she didn't so it's also her fault, she wanted it to happen"

"So are you" She said while pointing at me.

Last night was wonderful, I've never felt that climax to anyone else, Emman is good in bed but it's different when it comes to Ginger.

"I know, maybe I just missed the feeling of making love with her, I just want to feel it again" I replied sighing.

"Making love? oh so you still love her" she said suspiciously.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now