Ch.12 Karma's a Bitch.

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I don't want to stay for tonight upon knowing that Ginger is Emman's only daughter. The way she glared at me earlier made me want to disappear again, it's so awkward and the guilt that I'm feeling six years ago came rushing back to me like a wind.

I don't know how to face her, I don't know how to act towards her anymore. I tilted my body to my left side because I can't sleep, my mind is full of thoughts of her. I know that she's still mad at me and I can't blame her for that.

Despite of it all, there's a part of me that's happy because I saw her beautiful face again. I honestly thought that we will never cross path again, but karma is a bitch.

I never became happy since I left her because I regret each day of my life for letting my parents break us apart. I tried dating but nothing worked out because I kept on comparing her to them.

But everything's changed when I met Emman, he made me happy again. I find it ironic before that he has the traits that reminded me of Ginger so much. I can now confirm that it's the main reason why Emman captured my heart and attention.

I glanced to Emman, he's in deep sleep. It's already midnight and I'm still awake so I decided to go to the kitchen to drink milk.

I didn't bother to turn the light on when I reached the kitchen. I headed straight to the fridge and drank the milk straight from the bottle. I almost choked when the light turned on.

I put the bottle back to the fridge and closed it immediately. I panicked when I turned around and saw Ginger leaning on the wall while her arms crossed and gazing at me.

She looked at me from head to toe before raising her right brow. She's completely changed, back then her gaze is full of love but now all I can see is pure hatred

"Uhm, I'm thirsty and I can't sleep so I... uh I drank the milk" I explained stuttering.

"I don't give a damn even if you're thirsty and don't bother explaining to me because everything here is owned by your fiancée" she replied before passing by me to get the bottle of milk that I just drank.

"Go ahead and get all the things that you want" she paused to take a drink.

"After all, everything here is gonna be yours" my ears ticked upon hearing what she said.

"What are you talking about? I don't need to get anything here because I already have everything that I want without your father's money" I replied sternly.

She just gave me an annoying smirk in response before passing by me again.

"Gin wait" I called after her. She stopped midway and faced me.

"It's Ginger, not Gin" I felt a pang of hurt upon hearing her correction but I ignored it.

I sighed nervously as I walked closer to her. Emman is not around so it's the perfect chance to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry for all the things that I've done to you before, especially for leaving you" I almost gagged upon saying the word leaving.

Her facial expression changed from nonchalant to angry.

"Sorry? I'm surprised you know that word. To me it seems like you want to hurt me more by marrying my father" she said while pointing her finger to my face.

"Leave my father if you mean your sorry" she added.

"I love Emman, I will marry him because I love him. I didn't know that you're her long lost daughter in the first place. I won't be here right now if I know that reality from the start" I argued.

"Then leave us now!" She said between gritting her teeth.

"I can't because we love each other. I won't commit the same mistake that I did before" I argued as the tears on my eyes started to form.

"Do you think he won't get hurt when he finds out that we have a past huh? My father knew everything about me, except your name" I felt alarmed by what she said.

"Please don't tell him. I don't want to hurt him, I'm sorry but I think that it's best if we should just forget what happened in the past" I pleaded.

I'm taken aback when she pushed me so hard and pinned me to the wall. I bit my lower lip in hurt because my elbow bumped to the wall.

I yelped in fright when she suddenly punched the wall in so much anger.

"It's so easy for you to say that because it's not you who waited. It's not you who's hurt and was left without a word" she moved away from me afterwards.

"Consider yourself lucky because I don't want dad to be hurt. But be prepared because I'm going to make your life miserable until you, yourself will decide to tell dad the truth" she pointed to my face for the last time before finally leaving.

"Welcome Karma" I muttered while wiping my tears.


My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now