Ch.27 Pancakes and Truths.

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It's a really long night, I am here lying on my bed while my ex-girlfriend and her assuming girlfriend is in the other room having sex.

I groaned in frustration afterwards, of course I know that they will do that but I didn't expect it to be here at home.

Gosh I am here! I yelled mentally.

I know that I don't have the rights to interfere with them but it's killing me to know that they're doing it in Ginger's room.

She's lucky because Janine is just away for a week but how about me? Emman is away for a month and that's a complete drought.

I'm trying my very best to control myself from not seducing Ginger because I don't want to betray Emman again. I can't sleep so I stood up and headed to the kitchen to get something to drink.

I headed to the living room and sat on the couch afterwards. I can't stop thinking about her, living with her under one roof is very tough yet it makes me happy. I want to take care of her just like when we're together but Janine is always in the picture.

My thoughts are interrupted when the phone rang.  I frowned because it's already midnight, I'm sure Emman won't call at this hour but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I inquired frowning.

"Is Janine there?" I frowned again. A man looking for her in the middle of the night, it's very odd and suspicious.

"Who is this please?" I asked curiously, it took a while for him to answer.

"Please tell her I'm his father, It's an emergency" he said flatly.

"O...okay" I replied before heading to Ginger's room. I know it's rude to interrupt their ongoing sex thing but I don't have a choice because it's emergency.

I opened the door without bothering to knock and my eyes widen in disbelief when I saw Janine sitting on top of her.

She covered her naked body with blanket upon seeing me but Janine didn't bother covering hers, she's so full of herself.

"Don't you knock?!" She said harshly. I made a face before handing her the phone.

"That's your dad, he said he needs you" I said flatly.

I don't know if I'm not hallucinating when I saw fear on her eyes. She grabbed the phone and headed to the bathroom immediately.

Okay the awkward moment I said mentally before averting my gaze to Ginger again, she's cute when embarrassed.

"I already saw you naked before, I can even tell where your moles are" I said before walking out of her room.

I headed straight to mine immediately, seeing her naked turns me on already. I sighed before lying on my bed and drifted myself to sleep.

I'm awakened when I felt the side of the bed shifted. I frowned because I know that it's Ginger, I turned around immediately and saw her already lying beside me.

She positioned on top of me afterwards, she's drunk I can tell because I can smell her breath. The last time she entered my room and drunk is way back four months ago, she's now calmer though.

She's going to kiss me so I did the right thing, I covered my mouth to prevent her.

"I love you Lessa, I still do" she said seductively.

She's your fiance's daughter! My mind reminded me.

"Wh...what are you saying?" I asked confused. We're already okay but I don't think that she's telling the truth, maybe it's just the effect of alcohol.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now