Ch.13 Goodbye Yesterday

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Two weeks have gone by fast and it's smooth because I did my best to avoid Alessa without dad noticing it.

I'm sleeping sound but I groaned when I heard a knock.

"Ma'am, Sir Emman said you should wake up already
because today is your first day of class" The maid said politely.

"I don't wanna" I mumbled still my eyes closed.

I groaned again in annoyance before standing up because the maid continued on knocking.

"Tell him I'll be down in twenty minutes" I watched movie till one in the morning so I still feel sleepy.

I stretched my arms and yawned out loud afterwards. I feel so lazy to get changed, I'm only wearing my underwear and tank top and didn't bother to put on my bra.

I took a quick brush and washed my face before heading to the dining area. I frowned upon hearing Alessa's voice. I was about to head upstairs again to get changed when dad called me.

"GG, what took you so long?" he said smiling, but
frowned when he saw what I'm wearing.

"What are you wearing? We have a visitor, good thing A is a woman" he said before glancing to Alessa.

She's not a visitor, she's a nuisance! I replied mentally before sitting beside him.

"Yeah she's a woman and I'm sure what I'm wearing right now is no big deal to her, right?" I gazed at her while raising my brow.

If you only knew dad, your fiancée wants me naked when she was my girlfriend I said mentally while smirking at her. She's avoiding my gaze.

"Of course!" she replied faking a smile. She looked so awkward but I don't feel anything at all.

"By the way, since you're both attending the same school, why don't you give your future mom a ride" I almost spit out the juice that I'm drinking.

"Dad, she have her own car" I argued.

"Yeah, she's right Emman I have my car" she seconded.

"No, it's sad driving alone plus I want you to introduce GG to your friends" he said while shaking his head in objection.

I just shrugged my shoulders in surrender because I know that he will never change his mind. I should've not agreed to take my masters degree at her school in the first place.

I sighed heavily before standing up, I already lose my appetite to eat.

"Whatever, I'll go get change" I said before heading to my room lazily. I don't wanna be with her and I'm not interested to meet her friends either.

I let my hair loose, put on sunblock and powder, then I applied red lipstick as a final touch. I wore a red muscle shirt with Vans logo pairing it with black jeans and white chucks.

I took my time making myself beautiful, I don't care if she's waiting, dad said her class is at eight and it's already seven thirty.

I decided to get out of my room when I heard the sound of dad's car leaving, I'm expecting Alessa to hitch with him because she's really gonna be later for her class.

I walked down the stairs whistling in victory but I frowned when I saw Alessa still sitting on the couch.

"She should be gone already" I muttered in distaste.

I walked pass her and headed to my black Porsche, I sat on the driver's seat and started the ignition immediately. I'm about to go when she knocked on my window signaling me to unlock the door. I rolled my eyes before obliging.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now