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It's been a month already since Alessa confessed to me. I admit I was overwhelmed and happy when she told me that she loves me but I'm afraid because I've never been in love before and on top of that, to a girl.

I'm happy when I'm with her, in fact I always want to be with her but what's confusing is that I never had a best friend before so I don't know if what I feel for her is platonic or romantic.

I'm so shocked when she first kissed me in her car because it's my first kiss. I'm not actually surprised when she kissed me again the next morning because I already briefed myself about it, but that's the last time because it didn't happen again.

We were back on our usual relationship after we reconciled that night. It's different in a way now that I know her feelings towards me, especially whenever she kissed me on my cheeks, hold my hand and hug me.

I'm preparing my coffee in the table when my mom sat in front of me.

"What exactly happened that night? I thought you two reconciled already?" she asked after taking a sip of her coffee.

"Mom, we're okay already" I replied smiling.

"Then why do you always look out of place? It's like you've been thinking hard these past few days" I sighed before I decided to tell her what really happened.

"Alessa confessed to me that night because she got jealous of Harry" I explained while playing with the spoon in my mug.

I saw a bit of shock flashed on her face before she smiled in understanding.

"Then why is she sad that night? You rejected her do you?" What she said caught me off guard.

"Poor Alessa" she added while shaking her head.

"It's not a total rejection, I just never thought of her as that, you know fall for a girl. I know she loves me because she always say that but I never thought it was in a romantic way. She's beautiful mom or if I ever felt the same way she's out of my league" I sighed making my point.

"I've never been in love and never had a best friend before that's why I don't know what's the difference" I added.

"Did you two kissed already?" she asked looking while at me intently. I blushed remembering the scene where she kissed me in her car, her lips are so soft and tastes like mint.

"Mom! Why are you asking me that?!" It's so embarrassing and awkward to talk to your mom about kissing someone.

"Just answer my question because I'm helping you to know the difference!" I hesitated at first but I finally decided to tell her.

"She...she kissed me in her car that night before she confessed, and the next morning"

"What do you feel then?" She looked so interested.

"It's electrifying, if that's the right word and's quite good" I answered honestly while avoiding her gaze.

Gosh this is so embarrassing.

"I think you like her romantically" she exclaimed while clapping her hands. My eyes widen in disbelief by her reaction.

"Mom it's my first time to be kissed so it's natural for me that I felt that way" I argued because I'm still not convinced by her opinion.

There's something in me that wants to believe her but I want to be sure with my feelings, I need more time to figure it out.

"Okay, so let's wait and see if you feel the same rage like Alessa did when she got jealous over a boy. I think that's a good sign that you love her romantically" She suggested. I nodded in agreement because she has a point there. I've never been jealous to anyone that she's been with.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now