Chapter 13

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Chap 13

***Selenas POV***

    I was completely speechless and scared.  I just stared at it.  I couldn't believe it.  How did this get in here?  What did he want from me?  I was shaking and i just kept reading the note over and over, not moving.  I couldnt take my eyes off it.  I had to go and see him.  If i didnt i dont know what would happen.  I didnt want anyone to get hurt.  No, I wouldnt let them get hurt.

    Then Damon came in behind me and I jumped, not knowing he was there at first.  I turned around and looked at him trying to act normal.  But he didn't buy it, he saw that I was scared and hiding something. 

    He looked at what I was holding, "What's going on? What's that?" he pointed to the note in my hand.

    "I uh it's nothing, no wait-" I tried to stop him but he ripped the note right out of my hand. 

    He was reading it and then he made a face and looked at me, "Did you know about this?  That he wanted to see you?"

    Ugh great, now I had to tell him.  Now he's really going to hate me. "Well, maybe...," now i was nervous, he was mad at me, "Well yeaa, that's what that vampire who kidnapped me and Chrissy said but I didn't tell anyone."

    No, wait a minute.  Correction!  He was totally more than mad.  He was really really mad at me, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

    "I-I...I don't know, I just didn't want anyone to-" he interrupted me.  I was scared.  I didn't like when he was mad at me.  It reminded me of how Justin yelled at me that day.  Now I haven't seen him since we fought.  I didn't want that to happen to us.

"No, your not going." he crumpled up the paper and was walking out if the room.

I ran after him and grabbed his arm and made him look at me, he pushed my hand off, "Yes I am! If I don't he'll find another way to-"

"I don't care Selena!" he said nastily, interrupting me again, "Your not going! That's that!"

I folded my arms, he wasn't incharge of me, "Yes I am and you won't stop me."

He laughed, "Oh really?" now he folded his arms.

"Damon seriously!! I'm going!!"

"What if he hurts you?! And why do you wanna go see him so bad?!"

"He won't hurt me Damon!!" I was yelling in his face now.  If he could yell at me then I could yell back, "we'll be in public!  He's not gonna do anything to hurt me!!"

"But why do you wanna go so badly to see him?!?"

"Because if I don't he'll do somthing else  to get me to see him!  You need to understand that I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me!!!"

We were silent for a minute.  Then i quietly said, "I don't want him to go after my brother."

He didn't say anything.  He just stared at me.  His eyes were so serious it made me nervous.  Then he spoke quietly not moving his eyes from mine, "I'm coming with you."

I sighed, "No Damon you can't!  He said to come alone." oh my gosh, he wasn't going to stop was he. 

"Well then I'm waiting outside and after an hour i'm coming in for you."

I sighed.

"Are we clear?" he sounded like my brother.

"Fine." I said quietly.

His phone rang.  Thank god!  If it didnt i think we would start arguing again.   He picked up his phone and spoke into it, "Hello? Hey Stefan, I was just going to-"

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