Chapter 20

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Chap 20

***Selenas POV***

We drove to the woods and we got out and I started to lead them.  When I saw him my mouth dropped open slightly.  I saw him drinking the blood of some girl.  When we all stopped he dropped her and looked over to us smiling.  His eyes were black and he had blood all over his mouth and shirt.  He was completely drunk and feeding on humans... I covered my nose because of all the blood.  I hated the smell.  His eyes rolled slightly back and he fell to the floor.

"Damon!" I screamed running towards him.

"Selena be carful!" Elena said and they ran after me.

I knelt next to him and I felt tears roll down my face.  I grabbed his hand and I pressed it against my lips shutting my eyes.  Why did he get so drunk?  Then Stefan went over to the girl.

"She's still alive, I'll just compell her to forget." he said.  And then he did it and she left.

Stefan came over to damon.  Elena just stood there not knowing what to do.  Stefan picked Damon up.

"Lets go before anyone sees us." he said and we all got in the car.

I sat in the back with Damon.  I held his hand and just looked at him wanting him to wake up.

When we got back to the house Stefan placed him on his bed and I sat beside him.  Elena was downstairs talking to Alaric.

"What do you think happen." I asked looking at Stefan.

He shrugged, "Well when I woke up this morning he wasn't home.  He probably got himself completely drunk last night. "

I made a face, "Why?"

He laughed.  Umm why was that funny?

"He was really upset about what he said to you last night."

I suddenly began to feel really guilty.  "Really?" i asked completely shocked.

"Yea, he didn't mean any of it trust me, he just wants to protect you from getting hurt." he paused then said, "He might not admit it all the time but he cares a whole lot about you."

I smiled blushing and looked back at damon.  I felt a tear roll down my face and I quickly whipped it with the back of my hand.

"Well I'm gonna go bring Elena and Alaric home, call me if you need me.  He should be up in a little."

He went out shutting the door behind him and headed downstairs.  I leaned down next to him and held his hand in mine.  This was all my fault.  I know how he is and he was just trying to protect me.  Oh my gosh if he found out about me and Jeremy...

I heard my phone ring so I went to go get it.  It was Chrissy.  I answered.

"Hey Chrissy what's up?" I said sniffing.

"Hey, where are you?!"

I laughed a little, "I'm at Damons, long story.  I'll tell you tomorrow."

There was a short pause and then she spoke.  "You need to tell me everything that's going on."

"I'll tell you tomorrow ok?"

"Can you just tell me now?"

I turned to loook at Damon still passed out. "Fine, I said giving in."

I told her everything that she missed, the meeting with klaus, Catherine, what happen to Damon, the blood, how he has justin and jenna, and how klaus wants to see me again.  I had to tell someone and know there opinion.  She told me to stay away from him but I didn't tell her I disagreed.  Then there was Jeremy...

"Oh my gosh Chrissy i'm so confused!!!" I yelled sitting on the bed feeling tears roll down my face.  I didnt tell her about Jeremy.  I was going to but then I looked at Damon.  What if he heard?

"Selena, whats wrong with you?"

"Chrissy I need to tell you somthing but not now...gotta go bye!"

When I got off the phone I went back over to Damon.  Then I heard a loud crash in the living room.  I jumped.  Then I went to go check it out.

I headed downstairs and looked around.  Nothing.  Then I heard somthing in the basement and I ran down there.  I heard somthing in one of the little cell type room things and went in looking around.

I went in but there was nothing.  What was going on?  I heard a loud slam behind me that made me jump.  When I turned around the door was shut and locked and on the other side of the door stood Elijah. 

I looked at him confused and said, "Elijah?" he smiled, "What...,what are you doing?"

"What klaus told me to do."


"Yep, wow Selena your a bad little girl..." he smirked and I blushed knowing he was talking about Jeremy.

I ran to the door slamming and hitting it screaming, "Let me out of here now Elijah!!!"

He smiled even wider, "Cant do that sweet pea."

Then he disappeared.

I didn't have my phone so i couldn't call Stefan.  I had to do a spell.  I put my hands-on the door and shut my eyes.  The door opened instantly and I ran upstairs into Damons room. 

My heart stopped.  He wasn't there.  The window was wide open and I ran  to it looking outside.

"Damon?!?!!" I screamed.  I felt tears go down my face.  I heard the front door open and I randownstairs.  It was Stefan.

"Stefan he's gone!" I said running towards him.


"D-Damon, hes gone!  Elijahs helping klaus and he took him!"

I ran to get the book and Stefan was right behind me.  I said the spell and quickly opened my eyes and said, "Let's go."


HEY GUYS!! thanks for reading i'lll be updating soon!! lov yasss<33

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