Chapter 8

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Chap 8

***Damons POV***

After Elena and Stefan left, when she turned around I automatically hugged her tight like I did before.  I didn't want to let her go.  I think she was shocked at first that I hugged her but then she buried her face in my chest and cried. 

I squeezed her tight and then put my face to her hair.  I breathed in the scent of her vanilla hair.  Then I quickly looked up and I felt my eyes get tight and my gums were burning.  My fangs came out and I wanted to feed. 

I breathed in and out heavily.  Wow, I thought, how does Stefan do this everyday?  It was so hard for me to stop myself.  I kept breathing in and out.  Then I felt my face calm down.  Maybe I was hungry?  I needed to go downstairs and get some blood before I hurt any one.

***Selenas POV***

I stopped crying, and I really didn't want to but I gently pulled away and he unwrapped his arms and then he looked at me.

"I'll be upstairs." I told him as I grabbed the clothes Elena gave me. 

"Ok, I'll be up in a few." he said and then he turned back around, "Selena? You gonna be ok?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'll be fine."

I went upstairs and shut the door behind me.  My heart was pounding.  Why did I feel so nervous around him?

I changed my clothes into Elenas light purple pants and a white tanktop.  I fixed my hair and let it all hang loose.  Then i went downstairs but I didn't see Damon anywhere.

I went into their fridge and poured myself a glass of water.  I did what I always did.  I put my fingers in and then pulled them out and the water came with it.  Then I froze them into little icicles and put them back in the cup.

I looked around.  Where was Damon?  I walked around and couldn't find him.  I went towards an open door that lead to their basement probably.  I slowly went down trying not to make any noise.  I heard someone...drinking?

I went down further and then I smelt it.  I quickly put my hands to my nose and mouth to cover them.  It was blood, I hated the smell of blood, I wanted to throw up.  I went further and I was right.

I saw Damon, drinking blood.  There was a little fridge and inside there had to be at least 200 packs of blood.

There he was, with blood all over his mouth.  His eyes were dark, and he just kept drinking.

I knew from the first time I touched him that he was a vampire.  But there was a small hope inside me hoping for me to be wrong.  I was hoping that he wasn't a vampire.  But now I saw it with my own eyes, he was definitely a vampire.

I slowly eased my way back up quietly. Once I was up I ran up into his room, when I got there I shut the door.

I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.  I shouldn't be here.  I don't want anything to do with them.  I wasn't scared of Damon because he was a vampire.  I was scared because i am falling for him and I can't be with him.

I wiped my eyes and then heard him coming upstairs.  I didn't move, I just layed there.  Then the door opened and there he stood, Damon Salvator.

He wore a black button down v neck and jeans.  His hair was slightly messy and his blue eyes, they were so gorgeous.

"Hey." he smiled at me, "You feeling better?"

I sighed and said, "Yea."

I sat up and he sat next to me.  He put his hand on my knee and said, " You need to go to sleep now if you want to feel better."

I looked at him, "Since when can you tell me what to do?"

"Since your in my house."

We laughed.

"Well I can gladly go back to my house."

I pretened to get up and them he wrapped his arms around my waist stopping me from leaving and whispered in my ear, "No your mine now!"

I laughed as he pulled me back.  He layed on his back and i layed on him with my head on his shoulder.  His arms still wrapped around me.

"Damon?" I asked in a low voice.


I've only known him for about a day and i think I was inlove with him.  No, I was definitely inlove with Damon Salvator.


"For?" he was so confused.

"For everything." after I said that I fell asleep in his arms.

***Damons POV***

I watched her as she drifted to sleep.  How peaceful she looked.  She looked so beautiful and calm. 

As we layed there, her head on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around her.  I realized that I wanted to be with her forever.  I wanted her to be mine forever.

I wanted to protect her, make her happy, and to be with her.  It's true, she was bringing my human feelings back. 

I never believed in love at first sight, but now I do.  Because I didnt want to be with anyone else.  I would give my life for her.

I was inlove with Selena Russo.


hiyaa guyssss;p i know this is a really short chapter but i just wanted to update nd i will be updating again as sooon as possible!!!! (; i have a lot of tests nd stuff so i might not get to it until the weekend;/ BUT! please please PLEASE become a fan, comment, vote, and stufff!!!!! (; dankyaaass!!!!!!!!!(;

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