Chapter 2

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Chap 2

***Selens POV***

Stefan made a face, "Really? I never heard of a Russo witch."

"Yea, we don't really tell anyone, or I should say I dont really tell anyone..."

"What do you mean?"

I was about to tell him but then we got interrupted because Elena and some other guy came in, he was actually really cute.  But Stefan looked really annoyed because we got interrupted.  He wanted to know what Katherine had done and what got me so freaked out when I saw Elena.

He got up, "I'll be right back." He smiled and walked towards them.

They were all whispering but I didn't know what they were saying.  My phone vibrated and I looked at it and it was Justin.  Turns out he called me like 3 times. Oops, I didn't know he called!  He's gonna kill me.

The text said, "Heyy. Where the heck are you??! Are you crazy?!?! I've been worried sick about you!!!! I called you twice and you didn't answer!!! Come home now or I'm gonna send a search party after you!!  And I'm seriously not joking around!!  Come home right now or else!"

I rolled my eyes and typed back to him, "I'm fine, calm down, I'll be home soon."

Then I decided to get up and go home.  I walked towards Stefan, Elena, and the really cute guy.  They all looked up at me, I felt Elena smiling at me and the cute guy just staring at me.  I looked at Stefan and smiled.

"Uhhh Selena, you know Elena," Stefan said as he gestured me to come over.

I smiled and we shook hands, well it wasn't Katherine after all, I would've known it was her when I touched her.

"And this is my brother..Damon." Stefan rollled his eyes as he said the name. "Damon this is Selena."

Damon smiled and held his hand out to me, I slowly took it and then I jumped when we touched, but he didnt let go and we locked eyes, he wouldn't let me look away from him. 

"Nice to meet you." He said smiling widely at me, he was really hot.  I smiled, but was a little scared because I felt the same way I did when I touched Stefan...the way a witch feels when she touches the cold hard skin of a vampire. 

We let go and then I looked at Stefan, and Damon still had his eyes on me.

"I'm sorry Stefan but I have to go." I said as I made my way towards the door, and then Stefan stopped me. 

"Wait, umm are you sure you can't stay a little longer? I wanted to continue our conversation, theres some things you should know..."

He really wanted me to stay, probably wants to talk about Katherine and my past or somthing.  I don't know.  I would've actually loved to stay, but my brother was freaking out at home and probably about to come looking for me.

"I'm sorry, but my brother is going paranoid, he thinks I was kidnapped or somthing." I laughed and then said, "We'll talk tomorrow if you want."

"Ok, meet at Elenas at 7?"

I shivered at the thought of going to her house but I had to get it out of my head, she is not her.

"Sure." I said slowly, "See you tomorrow then."

With that, we said goodbye and I started to walk home.  As I walked home, I thought about what happened today.  My life was not going to be all.

I came here expecting to make friends, maybe have a boyfriend.  I don't know. I just wanted to live a normal teenage girl life.

But, as I walked home, I realized that where ever I go, I'm never going to live a normal life.  I had to realize that I was a pure witch and nothing was going to change that.  Now I'm probably getting myself into vampire, doppleganger and Klaus troubles.  I just knew it.  I probably should just cancel the meeting tomorrow night with Stefan, Elena, and Damon.  Even though I am probably going to be getting myself into big trouble, I wanted to go.  I really wanted to.  But not only to find out about Katherine, but also just to see Damon.

***Damons POV***

I watched her leave and then she shut the door.  Stefan and Elena were looking at me, I knew what they were thinking. 

"What?" I said to them putting my arms out.

"Well I'm going upstairs." Elena said as shd walked upstairs.  She obviously wanted nothing to with it.

Then Stefan spoke. "Damon."


"Don't think about it! Shes a really sweet girl, not your type, and she has problems! You don't need to make it worse!" He started to walk upstairs but then I stopped him.

"You can't tell me what to do little brother!! Maybe I like her! Shes cute. Oh and I'm coming with you guys tomorrow night to Elenas to talk to her."

I smiled and went to my room, he didnt say anything.

I got changed and then layed in bed to go to sleep.  I went to sleep that night thinking about her.  Selena.. Her beautiful long chocolate brown curls, her chocolate brown eyes, and the feeling I felt when our hands touched.  I never felt that way before about a girl, not even Katherine or Elena.  But I didnt even think about any other girl that night, all I could think about was Selena, and if she was thinking about me too.


Heyy guyss(; here chap 2! please comment, vote, become a fan and stuff! thanks!! ohh and if u have any ideas or anything pleaseee comment below!! thanksss

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