04 unplanned date

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04 ; unplanned date


"Did you just say... Date?" My eyes widened in horror. This guy really wants to get killed, doesn't he?

"I mean, it's only us two. And I might've told your mom that I wanted to know you better, so she could set up dinner. She looked happy with the idea. I don't get why you're so surprised." He grinned at me like he was enjoying every second of this. Was this entertaining to him?! Because it certainly isn't!

"Do you think this is funny?" I was feeling angrier and angrier as he was smiling wider and wider.

"Well it's not!" I was thinking about grabbing the cup of water and spilling it all over his head to ruin his hair, but my mom would kill me if I did.

"Let's just eat." Chanyeol awkwardly shifted and coughed, trying to clear his throat. I just nodded my head in agreement because I was hungry and was not in the mood to talk to him any longer. I just want to get this night over with and avoid him for the rest of my life.

I took a bowl of rice and stuffed all the food in my mouth, trying to devour it all at once.

"What's the rush?" Chanyeol asked, slowly putting his chopsticks down. "I just want to get this night over with.." I quickly said. I can feel palms getting sweaty again and I just wanted to go
die in a hole.

"The night has just begun." Chanyeol reached over for more food. Seriously this guy is annoying and cocky. The two things you don't want to deal with.

"Shut up. I'm leaving." I get ready to get up and run up to my room.

"How can you leave when your in your own house?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow and started laughing. "You're cute, you know that right?" He kept on laughing. I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Just leave whenever your done." I slowly walk up the stairs, slowly low-key wanting Chanyeol to stop me from going in my room.

"Okay Baekhyun. Have a good night." He yells.

"Uh thanks. You too." I awkwardly respond back.

I opened my door and threw myself onto the bed, realizing something. Why is a 27 year old man flirting with me? You know what, maybe he's just playing around with me. This is ridiculous. A 27 year old man can't like an 18 year old. That's just weird.

I rub my eyes and tried to clear my mind. But all I kept on thinking was about who creepy Chanyeol was. Hmmm. Maybe I should prank him to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Or maybe I can move far far away from Chanyeol and never see him again. That sounds good.

I just hate that he is playing with my emotions. No one and I mean no one plays with my emotions.


sorry wattpad was being weird and was saying i updated when i didnt. anyways hope you guys enjoyed this super short chapter 😊

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