17 you fine

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17 ; you fine


I took a deep breath. I was in my car blasting some sad songs. I had to figure out what my emotions were before things got out of control.... or maybe I didn't. I don't know.

I saw a tiny figure on a red, vibrant bike. I felt myself sweating, my heart was racing. Why was my body reacting like this? This is gonna be no big deal, just gotta clear the air up.

Baekhyun hopped off his bike and immediately put in his earbuds to listen to music. I felt stuck to my seat.

Well, here goes nothing...

I slowly opened my car door and walked slowly towards his back. He was sitting on the ground and enjoying the view of the bridge. I awkwardly coughed and he turned around.

He had on a black coat, skinny jeans and a scarf... damn he fine... I shook my head and mentally slapped myself.

We both just stared at each other with silence. I was standing and he was sitting, I decided to sit down next to him. I looked down at my lap and felt his eyes on me.

We both sat there which felt like an hour but in reality it was just 2 minutes.

"Hi." Baekhyun spoke up first. He coughed and shivered since it was so cold.

"Yeah. Hi." I looked at his hands, they are so delicate looking.

"I know that last time we talked, it was explosive. I was super vulnerable and my emotions built up and I just bursted and broke. I'm not going to apologize for anything and you don't have to either. What happened last time was stupid." He said as quickly as he could. I could tell he was uncomfortable, which made me sad because he used to be comfortable around me. We're acting like we're complete strangers.

"Everything happens for a reason. Cheesy but true. I just didn't realize that I affected you that much." I slowly reached into my pocket for a tiny gift I wanted to give to him.

"I want you to have this..." I took his hand and opened up his hand, I put the bracelet in the palm of his hand and got up.

I dusted the sand off of my jeans.

"I'll see you later."



"I'll see you later."

Will you though? Those words hurt me. That's all he had to say? He barely said shit to me! That shows how much he cares...

I looked down at my hand and the black bracelet with a sea shell charm was in my grasp. I rolled my eyes and threw the bracelet.

I picked up my bike and looked at Chanyeol's car leaving. I felt so frustrated, I wanted to scream. So that's what I did.

I screamed on the top of my lungs and felt my body becoming more light but so heavy at the same time. I dropped to my knees and started bawling my eyes out. The tears wouldn't stop. My nose was getting red and my eyes were getting puffy. I'm not getting any better. I laid on the sand for a while in a fetus position. The only person to comfort myself, is me.

The moon was gleaming, this night was so beautiful. How unfortunate of it to be ruined by my emotions.

I got back on my bike and dreadfully pedaled on the road. I don't want to go back home. Why was Chanyeol so selfish? Why couldn't he see that I had fallen for him? It seemed like he was deliberately trying to make me feel all this pain. It feels like this was all a joke. My chest started to hurt and more tears came out. The sounds of crickets chirping made me feel even more anxious. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my coat. I started to try to grasp for air and sniffled.

I thought this was going to go completely different. I thought he was going to try to explain himself but I guess I expected too much for him. He clearly doesn't care and if he doesn't, then I need to move on.

I was engulfed in my thoughts, I didn't know where I was going. I felt unaware of everything and everyone around me. Suddenly, it felt like the world had stopped and everything was silent. I felt numb.



playboy  // chanbaek [chanyeol+baekhyun]Where stories live. Discover now