12 pinch

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12 ; pinch
+ baekhyun +

It was almost sunset and I had just got home from studying for my final exams with a couple of guys that I had met at school. I threw my backpack onto my bed, took off my shoes and socks and fell right onto my comfy bed.

My window was open and the fresh air was nice in my room.

"Thanks for carrying my boxes," I heard someone say outside. Me being the nosy person I am, got up and looked outside to see what was going on. I could see a bunch of big boxes labeled 'CHANYEOLS CLOTHES' and a bunch of other random boxes. Was he moving?

I opened my window even more wider and decided to yell, "Hey! Chanyeol!"

The man turned around and dropped his boxes. "Baekhyun?" He sounded slightly confused but still kept a foolish smile on his lips.

"Why are there so many boxes?" I asked him eyeing the many boxes.

"I'm uh going to Japan for a month." He leaned over to grab the boxes that he had dropped earlier.

"Come down." Chanyeol said with a serious tone, he made a hand gesture for me to come down. I slightly raised my eyebrow and shyly nodded my head. I felt nervous and a little bit happy. I didn't care that I was barefoot, I just ran down the stairs until I got to the front door.

My mom was sitting in the living room, watching her kdramas. "Where do you think you are going?" My mom lowered the show and looked at me. "I'm just going outside for 5 minutes."

She rolled her eyes and made the volume higher.

I opened the door and ran to Chanyeol, I felt myself tripping and slowly falling down onto the cement ground. I felt my face turning red and myself sweating. "Grab onto my hand."

I covered my face with both of my hands and felt myself having anxiety. I looked through my fingers and saw Chanyeol's arm extending to me. I grabbed his hand and got up.

"Why are you leaving to Japan?" I blurted out, making myself turn even more red than I was before. Why don't I think before speaking sometimes? I looked down at my feet and was waiting for Chanyeol to answer.

"Work." He answered without even thinking either. I felt myself getting a bit sad  when he said he was going away for a month.

"I hate to admit this... but I will miss you." I wanted to see what his reaction would be. A huge smile crept onto his face, his eyes looked like they were filled with happiness. "I'm glad you said that. Don't forget about me." He pinched my cheeks, which made me flinch.

"What was that for?" I rubbed my sore cheeks from Chanyeol's pinching. "My way of showing you I'm happy and plus your adorable so how could I not?"

I laughed and just ended up hugging him.

I felt more comfortable just hugging him, I remember how sad he was when I last saw him. And I didn't want to see him sad anymore.

"I'm glad your smiling so much."

"Me too."


hello, im going to publish a book thats chanbaek later on maybe ! thank you for reading and feel free to message me whenever :)) THANKS V MUCH LOVE U ALL

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