07 you are crazy

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07 ; you are crazy

+ baekhyun +

"What in the hell." Xiumin was suprised and so was I. I felt something in my gut when I saw Chanyeol with the other boy. My stomach felt twisted in knots. "You do know that the guy with Chanyeol is 17, right?" Xiumin said as he was eating his rice.

"What?!" I almost jump out of my seat. Is Chanyeol crazy?! He's a pedophile that's what he is. How far will he go?

"How do you know?" I raise an eyebrow, wondering how Xiumin knew the younger guy.

"Well.. I used to bully him in middle school." Xiumin seems ashamed of himself but not at the same time. "Ay! Say what? You bullied someone?" I was shocked to hear that. Today was just a weird day in general. I got to see BTS live and it was amazing , but then Chanyeol comes and goes out on a date with a 17 year old. This is all crazy.

"Yeah. I was chubby in middle school and I guess it made me feel better to bully someone a year younger than me." Xiumin shrugged. He took off his black jacket and made himself more comfortable. I can just tell from his eyes that he was not proud of doing what he did.

We finished all of our food about an hour later and decided to head home. "I'm still sleeping over right?" Xiumin was excited because we haven't seen each other for a long time and he finally got to come down and visit my new home. "Of course you are Xiumin!" I was happy as well.

My sister had already left with her group of friends at the BTS concert. Xiumin and I were walking, trying to find a taxi since my sister took her car.


Xiumin and I finally arrived and had combined our money together since we are broke as hell. We thanked our taxi driver and got out of the car.

"Look. Chanyeol's home, his car is in the front. Do you think we should check if that Kyungsoo kid is home with him?" I shuddered at the thought of Chanyeol and a minor. "Yeah we so should, that kid could be in danger." Xiumin ran up to his front lawn. It was around 8:30 pm and he looked crazy. I laughed and ran after him.

I knocked on the door and Chanyeol swung the door open. He smiled when we made eye contact with each other. "Hey!" Chanyeol cheerfully said.

"Is Kyungsoo here you creep?!" Xiumin straight out says it, without even thinking. I nudge Xiumin and glare at him. Xiumin just blurts everything out whenever he wants too. "Uh no. He lied about his age too me, so I bought him home. You guys thought I did something? Wow Baekhyun, I am offended." Chanyeol put his hand on his cheast and pretended to cry.

"You're crazy." I mutter under my breath.

"What's that? Say it louder!" Chanyeol put his hand next to his ear and leans over to me. I push him away as he laughs.

"Are you sure you're not 5 years old?" Xiumin snorted at the 27 year old. I snickered alongside and rolled my eyes.

"Wanna come in Baekhyun?" Chanyeol offered, he opened his door wider and I can see a little bit of his living room. It's very modern and quite nice actually.

"Shut up." I take his door knob and slam the door. "Lets go, we have better things to do."

"You sure you don't want to come in?" He raised his eyebrow and did a side smirk.

"Hop off Baekhyun's dick!" Xiumin joked as he laughs hysterically. Nice Xiumin. Nice.

"Nah I prefer to stay on it." Chanyeol winked and waved, as he closed the door. I swear he is crazy. And I'm killing Xiumin. I punch his shoulder and he just pouts at me. That's not gonna work this time Xiumin


hey guys. sorry this was so boring, but i hope you guys had a good holiday! also message me some songs that remind you of this book! im putting together a playlist :-) also ++ im starting a new fanfic, called RUN and it is wonwoo x mingyu

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