18 numb

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It was late, I glanced over at my clock and it was 4am. The moonlight was gleaming and brightened my room. I kept on flip flopping on my bed, trying to find the most comfortable spot. I felt drained, this is all my fault.

The unnamed girl in my bed was asleep on my chest, clothes were scattered on the floor. I looked at her and felt disgusted at myself. I am such a pig. I cheated on my girlfriend and I hurt a boy who was happy.

Did I just lead him on? Or did I actually like him? My heart felt like it was thumping out of my chest, I was now unsure of my feelings. Was that bad of me to think?

My phone started buzzing and I was attempting to reach over to it but dropped it. I let out a big sign and just let it continue buzzing.

My eyes slowly drifted and I quickly fell asleep.

The next morning.

The sounds of my television was on. The girl that I had hooked up with had a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" My throat was a bit dry, my voice came out scratchy. The girl shook her head, "Look for yourself."

I glanced over the screen and there had been a reported car accident. The scene was chaotic, a car had been badly damaged and there was a bike on the side. The bike looked familiar but I just shook it off. "That sucks." I muttered under my breath.

I reached over for my phone on the ground and had 50 missed calls and 300 unopened texts. The hell?

I quickly unlocked my phone.

Missed calls from Unknown number

This is strange. I quickly got up to change to get ready for work. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

I arrived at work but the office was almost empty. I felt creeped out but confidently walked into the office, there was a note and flowers on my desk. Huh?

i'm sorry about baekhyun. feel better.

I didn't know how to react in that moment. I dropped the note and quickly ran to my car. Millions of thoughts were running through my head, I was now in panic mode.

The red bike, the missed calls, the texts.

How could I have been so stupid? I slammed my head on the steering wheel and felt hot tears come out of my eyes.

Before you knew it, I was fall on sobbing. I have never felt this dull in my whole entire life.


lol i have finals in 2 days finna die
sorry ive been inactive
also sorry this was short
i love yall

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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