Chapter 1

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Kelley's POV

"You got accepted?" I heard my best friend's excited voice on the other end. "We're going to be college buddies! Besties for ever!"

"Yeah yeah" I laugh. "Anyway Christen, I'm having a party for everyone. I guess its my going away party"

"That would be AWESOME!" Christen laughs.

"You are so excited" I grin.

"I just can't believe it! We're going to go to the same school!" Christen seemed like she would never calm down ever again.

"But I also got accepted into Ohio State and Cal of Los Angeles. Those are good schools too" I say.

"I don't care because I know you would never leave me alone at a college I don't know with people I don't know and me having to try and make friends with people I don't know!" She said, and I rolled my eyes.

I got onto my computer.

"Hang on Chris, I've got to go. Got to confirm my 'stay' at NC State" I say, and I could feel her grin.

"Okay! I'll text you when I get word from JJ about her application" Christen says, and I frown at the mention of Julie Johnston. She really knows how to steal Christen from me.

"Okay" I say, and then she hangs up.

I put my phone down and complete the process for getting into NC State.

Feeling some school spirit, I got two NC State sweatshirts, and a NC State sleepwear pant thingy that looked pretty cool.

I got a text from Tobin.

T: Hey Kelley! Guess what! I got accepted into NCSU!!!

K: Thats awesome! SAME HERE! Welcome to the Wolfpack Toby

T: Dude do you mind if I crash at your house? My parents are blowing up at each other again

K: You don't even has to ask

T: Thanks. I'll be right over

K: ok c u soon

I feel bad for Tobin. Her parents are fighting a lot, and right when she's going off to college. She wanted to go somewhere out of state because of her parents.

Now I just sit in my room, leaning back into my soft desk chair, and I look up, and think of the future.


The word sticks in my head like flypaper.

"Kelley!" Mom calls from downstairs.

'Whaaat mom?" I ask, yelling. Something she hates.

"Tobin is pulling up in the driveway!" She yells back. I reluctantly get up, then I tell mom that she's sleeping over because of her parents. My mom doesn't mind at all.

"Hi Kells" Tobin smiles at me.

"Hey Toby" I smile back, then we go upstairs.

Tobin puts her bag down in a corner of my room.

"God, why can't my parents me normal, Christian parents?" Tobin asks.

I shrug.

"They'll get over this. Don't worry" I say, and Tobin shrugs.

I slide on the carpet in my pants, making them heat from friction.

"Lets watch a movie. It's almost nine" I say, and Tobin grins, and nods.

I pull out my projector and turn it on, then pull out all the movies I have.

"What do you want to watch this time?" I ask.

"Hmm..." Tobin thinks, then smiles. "How about Pitch Perfect?"

"That is an awesome movie. Lets watch it" I say, then start to put it in, then Tobin's phone rings.

She grins at it, and answers.

"Hey Lex" She grins, and then I hear someone on the other line talking. Tobin blushes, then looks down. Then her eyes light up, and her mouth hangs agape. "NO WAY" She blurts, and it catches me off guard, making me jump.

I give her a look with my eyes, that asks 'whats going on?'. She holds up her hand.

"Awesome. Listen Lex, I've got to go. I'm here with my friend, and we're right about to watch a movie. I'll call you later, okay?" Tobin speaks into the phone. Then she blushes this time, a bright red color, then says. "Bye" and hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask, smiling.

"My friend from California, Alex Morgan. Turns out she's going to the same college as us" Tobin grins at me.

"Thats sick dude. Can't wait to meet her" I say, and set the disk in.

"You and her will become great friends right away" Tobin says, then we get quiet to watch the movie.

Later, after the movie ends, I yawn and check the time. Almost eleven.

"Toby?" I ask, and she looks up at me.

"Yeah Kells?" She asks.

"Are you excited for college at NCSU?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah. Sorta" Tobin mumbles.

"Sorta?" I chuckle. "What does that mean?"

"I hate leaving my sister with my parents" She says.

"Ah, family troubles. Don't worry, I've got them too" I say, and Tobin shakes her head, and I know this isn't up for discussion anymore, so I crawled into bed, and Tobin went in too.

We share a bed, because that's what friends do, right?

I fell asleep to Tobin's even breathing.

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