Chapter 27

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Kelley's POV

Word got out that Tobin was in the hospital, and I was the first of her normal friends to get to the hospital.

Yes. I said normal.

Because I am normal.

Hah, not really.

But as close as I can get to being normal.

Alex's POV

I get a text from Servando.

I glared at my phone.

S:hey where u at
A:hanging out with friends
S:okay where
A:why is it so important to you
S:I want to keep you safe and away from bitch
A:who is bitch
S:the girl who hurt you
S:yeah who else
A:funny story. Me and her are together again
A:that wasn't supposed to be funny
S:wait that wasn't a joke?
S:ew gross. Why her
A:because I love her
S:what about me?
A:oh yeah. I'm breaking up with you. Bye

I smirk at my phone and put it away, even as it buzzes. He's trying to call me.

"What was that about?" Kelley asked me.

"I broke up with Servando, and he's being an ass about it" I say. Kelley nods.

She still doesn't trust me. I can see why, and I don't blame her. I wouldn't trust me either.

"Is he giving you a hard time babe?" Tobin asked. I smile at what she called me. Babe. I've never heard anyone call me that yet.

"Yeah" I nod. She holds her hand out, and I give her my phone.

"What's your passcode?" She asks.

"1713" I smile. She grins, and puts it in.

"Adorable" Kelley grins uncontrollably.

"Isn't it?" Christen asked, also grinning.

I ignore them.

My phone buzzes again, and Tobin answers.

Tobin's POV

"Hi!" I said enthusiastically into Alex's phone.

"Good. You answered" Servando growled.

"So how are you dealing with the breakup?" I ask, smirking.

"Oh, I don't know. How are you dealing with breaking Morgan's heart?" He asks.

"I didn't break her heart" I frown.

"She didn't tell you?" He laughs. "Wow. You know what Tobin? You're a fucking slut"

"Me? A slut?" I laugh loudly. "That is funny stuff. Say some more"

"I hate you!" He yells.

"Who are you? Oh, irrelevant!" I say, and everyone bursts out laughing.

"Tobin, you better watch your back. And your friends. You mess with me, you get all hell rained on you" He growls.

"Oh that's nice. Explain to me why I should listen to you?" I ask.

"Ugh you are so ugly!!" He screams at me. He is so pissed off. After all, I took his girl.

"Excuse me, I am not a mirror" I say, grinning.

Ooohhhh he better get some ice on that burn.

"You know, somewhere out there, there's a tree tirelessly producing oxygen so that you may live. I think you owe it an apology" I smirk.

"You asshole. You better watch out" He spits. There's a heavy breath on the other end. "I think Morgan is actually very pretty"

"You better not touch her. I don't want her getting Ebola" I growl.

"She might get pregnant, but not Ebola" He laughed.

"How could you give it to her? You have no balls!" I yell.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see" He coughs. "Goodbye asshole"

"Goodbye asshole" I mimic, and hang up.

Everyone bursts out laughing. Only I don't laugh. He's going to do something to Moe. He better not.

I may not love her like I did, but that doesn't mean I won't protect her from asses like Servando. I hate him so much.

"Everything alright?" Alex asks.

"He's going to do something to Moe" I whisper.

Alex shakes her head.

"I'm serious" I say.

"Oh" She says.

"We have to do something" I say.

"I know. We'll figure something out" Alex says.

I sure hope so.

Being in the hospital, I won't be of much help.

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