Chapter 30

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Tobin's POV

I survey the area. No way down. How did Moe get over there?

I look around some more, and twelve yards to my right, there is a bit of natural stairs, that I could try and use to get to her.

I start to climb down, and my stomach drops.

The water seems so far down. And the sand and rocks at the bottom look like a death trap.

I think it would be a good idea if I don't fall.

I shimmy across a thin bit of red rock, and end up on the same ledge as Moe. I ignore the sudden pain in my leg and sit down by her.

"Hi" I say.

She just stares out at the long stretch of water.

"I saw the pictures" I say, and she turns to face me. "We look pretty hot" I smirk.

She tries to not smile.

"I know how you feel, and I know what you're thinking" I say. She stares back out at the water.

I want to drag her back up to everyone, but I know that at any sudden movement, she will jump and end it all. I won't let that happen.

"I know you're wanting to get it done. Finish this. End it completely" I inch closer to her. Her expression shows me I'm right. "But it doesn't have to be that way. You think it's over, but I know it's only the beginning"

She shakes her head.

"Don't worry about those who talk about you behind your back. They're behind you for a reason" I say, and grab her hand, squeezing it.

She bites her lip, and looks down at the sand and rocks. My heart races.

"You may not see it yet, but God has the right pieces to make the puzzle of your life fit together" I tell her.

"If you could read my mind, you'd be in tears" She whispers, and it's the first thing I've heard her say this whole time.

"Moe, you think that you can't last. But you can. This is what he wants. He wants you to give up. He wants you to end it, but you're not going to. You're going to stand tall and keep moving forward" I say, and she seems to be showing no emotion. This side of her is scaring me to death. "You might have to fight a battle more than once to win it"

"I just want to be important to someone" She whispers, and tears fill her eyes.

"You are important to me. To Meghan. To Kelley and Julie and Alex and Christen. We all care about you" I say.

She lets go of my hand and stands up.

"I can't. I just can't anymore" She cries.

"Moe, please step away from the edge" I whisper.

She takes a step closer.

"Good things take time. You have to give this time. Take my hand" I stretch my hand out, and she backs away from it.

"Tobin, thank you for being here for me while I had time. But, time has run out for me" She whispers, and takes another step back.

"Morgan, do you know how far of a drop that is?" I ask her.

"Eighty five feet to the bottom" She says.

She would survive if she fell in the right place, which is five feet farther out. She would need to get a running start, and then the right trajectory...

"That would hurt if you fell, so please, don't do it. Don't jump" I say, and she shakes her head.

She takes another step back. Two more steps and she's over, and falling to the rocks that are closest to the cliff. If she jumped farther out, she would escape fatal injuries.

"Morgan it doesn't have to be like this. We can get through this together" I raise my voice. "I was in those pictures too"

This catches her attention.

"And I'm sorry for that Toby" She sighs.

"Morgan I could never live with myself if you do this" I can't cry. I'm too scared.

"I'll be okay. Is that what you want me to say?" She yells. "I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind!" She takes one more step back.

One step back and it's over.

I hold my breath.

"Please" I whisper.

"I'm sorry" She says, and then she steps back, losing balance and starting to fall.

That's when I feel myself flying out after her, and we both begin to fall.


If you want me to update, I need three predictions, from three different people. What do you think is going to happen next? I hope you enjoy it!

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