@amberkbryant - Engagement Ambassador

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Engagement - This team carry out various experiments in the community to see what engages in a positive manner such as genre profiles, contests etc and also maintain our social channels (twitter/facebook/WP Ambs Profile)

1. Introduction:

Originally from Wisconsin, I've been living in Washington State since 2003. I live amongst folks who believe Sasquatch is real. Many have claimed to have seen him/her...I'm still waiting for my turn. I am a librarian by profession and I write speculative fiction. I have an addiction to Wattpad writing contests (see my Wattpad profile for proof). My family includes a yogi husband and a smart-aleck eight year-old son. Outside of my job and Wattpad (if there is such a thing), I hike, knit, and garden. Gloomy, rainy weather makes me happy.

2. Why I become an Ambassador:

I became an Ambassador probably for the same reason many have - I love the Wattpad community and have benefited from my involvement on the site in so many ways. I wanted an opportunity to give back to that community and becoming an Ambassador gave me that opportunity.

3. Projects that I'm crazy about and why:

I'm a brand new Ambassador, so everything is shiny and new to me right now. I've just started working on the @SafeHavenWP community profile, which is designed to promote apocalyptic and survival literature. This profile has a lot of potential; I'm excited to see where it goes. One of my favorite Ambassador projects, aside from that one, is @ParanormalCommunity. Fellow ambassador @Godhand does such a phenomenal job with it and it's been fun to watch it blossom into quite a popular profile. I've learned a lot from the way it's is designed and maintained and I hope to bring that spirit into @SafeHavenWP.

4. Lol: This is a riddle, and I take no credit for it. It was in a Geronimo Stilton book I've been reading with my son. I'll paraphrase it here:

A dragon captured a mouse and told the poor thing how excited he was to eat him for dinner. The mouse replied: "If I am to die, my only wish is that you let me choose my method of death."

After thinking about it for a moment, the dragon gave the mouse his consent. What method of death did the mouse choose that allowed him to avoid becoming the dragon's next meal?

Ponder that for a moment... I'll put the answer down below.

5. Wattpad:

I've met so many wonderful people through Wattpad. There are too many to name, really, but I have particularly benefitted from the connections I've made with the members of my writing group, the Wattpadres @WPC2014). They are such a supportive bunch, and that's something I'm eternally grateful for. I've also met some fabulous people through participation in contests (something I urge everyone to do), namely @KristineInchausti, a fabulous writer and all around great friend. Making connections to other writers, and of course to readers as well, is what it's all about for me!

Answer to the riddle: The method of death the mouse chose was to die of old age.

Pretty clever, huh?


PORTRAIT - Ambassadors at a Glance

By: @5ifthproject - Thomas - Nov. 19, 2015

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