[15] Basement

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Happy reading xx

-Alyssa's POV-

I threw my bag onto the floor and plopped onto the sofa. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep knowing I might not get any sleep tonight.

And every other night.

The sound of a blood curling scream woke me up. I immediately jerked awake and grabbed my pocket knife, ready to attack.

I walked slowly to where I heard the scream from. It sounded like it came from the basement.

Carefully, I opened the door leading into the basement. I flipped the switch but it wouldn't light up. Sighing, I grabbed my phone and activated the torchlight function.

Hold up. This is what happens in every horror movie. The character goes down to the basement and gets possessed bla bla bla.

I stood there, debating if I should check out what was there. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as a chill ran up my spine. I immediately closed the door and stared at the door.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped. Literally. I turned around and faced Joan. I placed my hand on my heart, hoping to calm it down.

"O-Oh Joan. What are y-you doing h-here?" I squeaked.

I swear my voice went eight octaves higher.

"I was walking to the hardware store down the street and found your door opened. So I decided to check on you."

"Why was my door opened?" I asked.

"Like I would know." Joan rolled her eyes.

Maybe mom came home and forgot to close the door.

But mom won't be home till' 7.

"You still haven't answered my question. Why the hell are you staring at this door?" Joan asked, impatient.

"I fell asleep and heard a scream from here so I wanted to check it out. But I stopped because I felt something."

Joan opened her mouth to speak but before anything came out, the same blood curling scream came from the basement.

"Do we check it out?" she asked, scared.

"I don't want to but if I don't, it's going to continue."

Joan looked at me like I lost my mind.

"Sorry Joan but I have to check it out. If you don't want to, you can stay out here and keep a look out for me."

She sighed and eventually gave in. I opened the door again and turned on my torchlight.

I took the first step down and the step creaked beneath my weight. Joan trailed behind me as we slowly walked down to the basement.

Something ran over my feet and I screamed. I pointed my torchlight at my feet and realised it was just a rat.

"WHAT WHAT WHAT?" Joan yelled.

"Just a rat."

"God, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry." I mumbled and continued walking.

The basement was dusty and it smelled like the sewer. It contained many boxes with locks. I opened an unlocked box and looked into it.

There was a broken picture frame with a very old picture inside it. It was a picture of a family.

"Joan. Look at this."

We observed the picture and noticed a girl in the picture. She looked exactly like me when I was that age. The picture looked like it was taken a long time ago. It was black and white and taken with our house in the background.

"She looks exactly like me." I muttered, scared.

"What do you mean?"

I showed Joan the girl in the picture and told her she looked like me when I was that age.

"What the hell?" She whispered and began rummaging through the box.

She took out something which caught my attention.

A doll.

But this one looked like me.

Blood, missing eye, chipped of plastic, torn dress.

I stared at the doll in shock. Trembling, I got up from my kneeling position and grabbed the doll with me.

Just on cue, a putrid smell surrounded the air. I scrunched my face in disgust and I followed the smell.

"Alyssa, do you smell that?"

"Yes. I do."

I kept walking until I reached a door. The smell grew stronger. I gagged as I covered my nose.

I pulled opened the door and entered, with Joan following closely behind me. The room consisted of a bed, a closet and TV.

Something on the bed made me walk closer to it. I removed the thin white cloth on top of the thing and screamed.

On the bed laid an old rotting body. It's skin was peeling of it's bones. The smell coming from the body was unbearable.

The worst part was, the body laying on the bed looked like Cameron. I covered my mouth in shock.

The torchlight on my phone switched off. My phone died.

Perfect. Per-fucking-fect.

That's when I heard the blood curling scream sound again. And this time, it sounded like it was right next to me.

Petrified, I ran out of the room and up the stairs, only to find the door locked. I banged on it a couple times.

"Stand back." Joan yelled.

She barged into the door but it wouldn't budge. The scream seemed louder and louder as if the thing was following us.

She barged once more and it fell open. That's when the screaming stopped.

Too numb to feel, I slid onto the floor and sobbed.

I couldn't do this anymore. Of all people why me?

The doll.

The picture.

The body



A/N:- How was chapter 15? Oopsie what do you think happened? Hope you enjoyed it x This chapter is unedited, I'm so sorry. Also, I haven't been updating for a while now because school started like two weeks ago. (anyone else feel me?) so that means I rarely have free time anymore. The only time I would be able to update nowadays would be weekends. ugh.

Stay tuned to find out more. Anyway, as mentioned before, feel free to give constructive criticism. Leave a comment and drop me a vote before moving on to the next chapter. Don't be a silent reader, direct message me what you think xo.


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