Chapter Two

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It wasn't hard convincing June to go to their band practice. I barely got it out of my mouth before she started yelling yes. Let me tell you, she has the biggest mouth in this school. So many people were staring at her.

Now here we are. Sitting in a dingy and dirty garage. I must say I seen this coming. Three boys was bound to be dirty. There's a fourth member, who they didn't name, who couldn't make it for unknown reasons.

June was over talking to Luke. Ashton was talking with Calum about what cover to do or song or something. That left me alone to scroll through my phone. Doesn't affect me much. This is basically a norm for me.

Randomly liking pictures on Instagram, I wander outside and sit on the lawn. The sun was peeking through the tree branches causing the ground to be a pattern of shade and light. A gentle breeze was swaying the trees and blowing my hair behind me. Good, now I can see my screen. A shadow soon casts over me. I look up and I'm met with beautiful green eyes. I realize with a jolt that it's Michael.

"Hey, uh, sorry to disturb you but," Michael says nervously, playing with the bracelets on his wrists, "do you know where Ashton is?"

"Yeah, he's in the garage," I reply. He nods and starts to walk away. Should I stay quiet or should I say something? "Michael?"

He turns around, not believing I knew his name I think. "Yeah?"

"Why are you looking for Ashton?" I ask. I can't help it. The curiosity killed the cat. A.K.A., curiosity killed my impulse to shut up.

"Oh, I'm kinda the fourth member," Michael says. "I really got to talk with him."

"Oh, go ahead," I say, waving a hand at him. "Sorry for holding you up."

"It's fine." He smiles and heads toward the garage. He dunks inside and I can't help but obsess over that smile. Did you see that?! Of course brain. I seen it with my own eyes which are connected to you. Anyways, off topic. That smile was absolutely the best thing ever. The way the right side quirked up. Almost like he was smirking but not quite.

I put my phone down and lean back on the grass. I can't believe Michael is the fourth member. Then why would his own band mates call him a freak? It doesn't make sense. Shouldn't he be good friends with them? What is happening? I have no idea and I'll doubt I'll ever know if I keep sitting here.

I stand up and walk into the garage. Now all the boys are talking and June is just standing next to the door. When she sees me, she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Where have you been? I thought you left!" she exclaims.

"I was just outside. What're they talking about?" I say, referring to the boys. She glances at them and shakes her head.

"Next gig?" June says, obviously unsure. I can't tell either with the hushed tones. "Can you believe Michael is in this band?"

"You say anything about a freak, I'll tie you to a tree in the middle of nowhere," I say. June puts her hands up in surrender.

"No problem Miss Killer," she says. To clear things up, my last name isn't Killer. It's Miller. See what she did there?

I roll my eyes. "Call me that one more time and you'll see where that name gets ya, Juniper." She gasps.

"Stop speaking that cursed name out loud!" June says, smacking my arm. I pout and rub the spot where there's surely a red mark.

"It's not like they're paying attention anyways," I say, motioning my head in the boys' direction.

"Paying attention to what?" No other than Luke asks. I have to will myself not to groan.

"The beautiful day that is today." I smile sweetly with a mix of sarcasm. If I can even do that. Luke takes a deep breath, probably trying to stop from snapping at me.

"Anyways, we have a gig next weekend and we were wondering-"

"You were wondering," I interrupt. Luke glares at me. "Please. Continue."

"Unbelievable," June mutters.

"We," emphasis on the we, "were wondering if you two would attend," Luke says.

Before I can reply, June answers with a "Yes, we'll both be there," and elbows me in the side so I'll nod. Which I do because I do not want that to happen again. Talk about a pain. Literally.

Michael walks by and nods at me before leaving. Gosh, what a man. Pray that I did not say that out loud. I don't think I did because no one looks or even says anything. Well, besides June who looks like she's going to fangirl for me as soon as we leave. I've already done that in my head so haha Juniper.

June ushers me out of the garage, saying a quick goodbye to the boys. I'm just gonna assume she's gonna talk to Luke later because there's no way would she pass up a chance to spend a lot of time with him. She basically shoves me into the passenger seat. June slams the door, almost making a pancake out of my foot in the process. I buckle my seatbelt and she hurriedly buckles her own seatbelt.

"Did you see the way Michael looked at you?" June exclaims, starting the car.

"It was just a nod," I say. Truth be told I was actually fangirling over that 'just a nod'.

"Oh shut up! Like you aren't obsessing over the very fact that the quietest boy at school actually spoke to you!" June says. She's obviously excited. For what, I couldn't tell. A lot of things could factor into this.

"The most popular boy was talking to you!" I say in return. We stop at a stop sign.

"I know!" she says, basically bouncing up and down in her seat. "Best freaking day ever!

"For you and me both," I mumble. So much for trying to convince her I didn't like Michael like that. Because for one, I do. And for two, do I even have a two? No? Bad brain!

"So what're we going to do to celebrate? Pizza? Ice cream? Movie marathon?" Juniper lists.

"Trip to Hot Topic?" I ask.

"No," June says completely deadpan. She absolutely hates that store and I don't know why.

"Worth a shot," I say with a shrug.

"I gave you your options," June says.

"Hmm," I wonder out loud. I could go for a movie marathon right now. "How bout movie marathon?"

"Sounds good to me," she says and heads to my house.

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