Chapter Eight

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"Shut up!"

"No way. Hey! That's cheating!"

"Is not. It's playing dirty."

"Sure. Play dirty now. Be a good girl later."

"Don't think dirty!" I pause the game and smack Michael on the back of his head. He just laughs and we continue playing Mario Kart.

"I swear, you throw one more red shell and I'll bury you in the backyard," Michael says.

"Oh harsh," I say with a laugh. Michael glares at me and collides our shoulders together. I almost fall over but quickly steady myself, preparing to launch another red shell. Michael lets out an angry breath as his kart spins out of control.

"I'll make it look like a bloody accident," Michael says. My player passes him into first place and crosses the finish line. I jump up and do a little victory dance.

"Woo Hoo! I won! Beat that!" I shout. Michael throws a pillow at my back. "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."

"I hate the playa and the game. What now?" Michael says, crossing his arms. I just laugh and throw my remote down on the couch.

"You want ice cream? Chocolate? Cookies? Chocolate cookies ice cream?" I ask.

"That's a thing?" Michael asks.

"Ever heard of cookies and cream?" I ask. "Essentially, that's exactly what it is. So, take your pick."

"Cookies and cream," Michael says, stretching his arms above his head and lays back on the floor. "Make it quick." Michael snaps his fingers at me.

"Oh no. Don't snap your fingers at me or I'll snap your neck," I say, giving him a pointed glare before walking into the kitchen.

"I love you!" Michael shouts from the living room.

"You better knucklehead!" I call back.

I pull open the freezer and the cold air immediately drifts towards me, chilling my skin. I quickly grab the ice cream and slam it shut. After scooping ice cream into two bowls and grabbing spoons, I head back into the living room. Of course, I also put the ice cream back into the freezer.

"Now, what do you say?" I nudge Michael with my foot. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"Thank you Rarity," Michael says. I groan at the nickname.

"For the last time, I'm not from My Little Pony," I say, holding out his ice cream bowl. He takes it from me after sitting up.

"Clarity Rarity, now don't you go lying to me," he says.

Now, before you get the wrong idea: no, we are not dating. We're good friends. Little steps at a time? I don't know. Anyways, it's been a week since the first time he's been over. We've gotten close since then.

June hasn't tried to start anything which has been so nice. She'll give me dirty looks in the hallway though. Honestly, I couldn't care less. I'm just glad everyone has shut up about me now that they know we aren't friends.

"So, we have band practice and I was wondering if you would come," Michael says casually.

"Is June going to be there?" I ask. Michael mumbles something that I couldn't quite catch. "Repeat that but ya know, louder so I can actually understand you."

"She will," Michael says. Now he sounds nervous and he won't look at me.

"You know how I don't want to be around her. I might rip her hair out," I say. Michael tries to hide a chuckle. Too bad he failed miserably.

"That would be funny but you should go. For me." He pouts his lip and stares at me with his puppy dog eyes. Oh my gosh, I swear if it wasn't for June, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. This boy is seriously the cutest thing this world has ever seen. My world anyways.

"I don't know. I'll think about it, 'kay?" I ask. Michael still pouts but hesitantly nods his head. "How do you feel about Ed Sheeran's new album? He's really multiplying his fans, isn't he?"

"Oh dear God, please help this unfortunate soul," Michael says as I laugh to the point where I can hardly breathe.

"He's just ADDING on to his music," I say, having trouble sucking in breaths. Michael looks like he's going to lock me in the cellar. "He has a lot more than 5 fans now."

"Clarity! Shut up!" Michael says, throwing a pillow at my face.

"Don't PILLOWTALK me," I say. My stomach hurts so much but I can't stop laughing.

"How 'bout shut up and drive?" Michael says.

"Bro, I'm not taking the Long Way Down," I say. "I only go in One Direction."

"I walk a lonely road," Michael says. "The only one I've ever known."

"I'm stumbling, looking in the dark with an empty heart," I say. By now, I've managed to calm down. This is actually quite fun.

"Have you caught Stockholm Syndrome?" Michael says.

"Yeah, now I need Therapy to get rid of my Demons," I say. "After all, they're begging me to open up my mouth."

"You better run like the devil."

"Would you wanna run away too?"

"You used my band's lyrics!" Michael exclaims, a smile taking over his face.

"Great lyrics. Love the song about underwear," I say. Michael rolls his eyes as I laugh.

"It was Ashton's idea," Michael says.

"Let's get back to our game," I say, reaching for the remotes. I toss Michael's to him and he catches it. Now that I think about it, where did I put my ice cream bowl? I glance around, finally spotting it on the coffee table. Before I press play on the game, I press shuffle on my music and Check Yes Juliet starts playing.

"Press play Rarity," Michael says, nudging my leg with his foot. I roll my eyes and hit the 2 button.

"Check yes Juliet, kill the limbo. I'll keep tossing rocks at your window," I start singing. Michael and I are battling for first place. I rapidly throw a green shell in his direction, hitting him right on point.

"You're not beating me again!" Michael says, trying to pass me but a computer in third hits him with a red shell.

"Run, baby, run. Don't ever look back," I sing even louder. My main goal here is to peeve Michael off.

"They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance," Michael sings the next line. So much for annoying him. Call for an epic fail. Michael: 1 Clarity: 0.

"It's so cute how you know the song too," I say, going onto my second lap. Finally, may I add.

"I totally blame this all on you. You've turned me into a diverse musical creature," Michael says simply, leaning towards me as if that would help him turn. I have the same darn habit.

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