Chapter Sixteen

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"I freaking told you there was a demon spider!" Luke shouts. "It's making a giant web across that house!"

"Luke shut the- MY GOD THAT'S A GIANT SPIDER!" Michael ends up shouting too. I shake my head and throw the dish towel on the counter. I just finished rinsing out the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.

"What're you guys talking about?" Calum asks. I seen the spider earlier but I didn't mention it to anyone. To be honest, it creeps me out knowing there's that giant thing across the street. "BURN DOWN THAT HOUSE!"

"Calum Hood you can't just burn down a house that's not yours," Ashton scolds. "Even if that is a big ass spider."

"Guys, knock it off," I say, walking into the living room. Luke, Michael and Calum are crowded around the front door staring out the small window. Ashton is sitting on the couch, watching tv. "Get away from the window before it spots you and crawls over here."

All three boys immediately run away from the front door and hide in the living room. Well, looks like that worked out better than I thought it was going to. Juniper walks into the room with a brush in her hand. It looks like she just got out of the shower.

"I still don't understand why the lights don't work," Juniper says, slightly waving the brush. She looks around at the room and raises an eyebrow. "What's up with them? Where'd they go?"

"Demon spider," Ashton says, flipping the channel. "Clarity scared them into thinking it was going to come over here."

"Oh that big nasty thing across the street? You should've seen the giant snake slithering down the street," June says and shudders. "Can't stand snakes."

"As long as that snake stays far away from me, I'll be alright," I say, taking a seat beside Ashton. Medusa is chewing on a bone in front of the coffee table. Jinx is probably taking a nap in my room.

"Yo girl can stand snakes bro," Calum says. "And here you are afraid of them."

"Says the one who suggested we burned down the house across the street," Michael retorts, standing up from his hiding spot behind the chair.

"Luke, how did you even fit underneath the coffee table?" June asks, putting the brush by her side. "You're like a freaking giant."

"When Luke gets scared, the Luke compacts," Luke replies. Even I roll my eyes at that response.

"Calum, where did you go?" Ashton asks, peering around the room. The curtain on the window behind the chair shifts a little. "You did not pick a cliché hiding spot. You would be the first one dead in a horror film."

"Not if I kill you first," Calum comments from his spot. He crawls out from where he was and sits beside the chair Michael is sitting in. "So it's like 5 and that's your curfew, right?"

"5:30 but close enough. None of you are allowed outside after this point," I say. They all nod in understanding.

"Well I definitely wouldn't want to after this point," Michael says.

"Not with that demon spider across the street. It'll probably spin webs on our house while we sleep!" Luke says, still hiding underneath the table. June went back to the bathroom to put the brush back.

"Uh...Clarity, can we all sleep in the living room tonight? I want to be surrounded by all of you. Ya know, to feel safe," Calum asks. Ashton's eyes widen and he turns to me.

"Please Clarity! It'll be awesome! We can bring down a mattress or two. Cal and I will sleep on the couch," Ashton begs.

"Yeah! We could stay up late maybe and make popcorn," Luke comments. He moves to sit up and bumps his head against the table. I stifle a laugh.

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