Chapter Three

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Ew, Monday. That means a new week of school. More homework. More stress. More idiots.

Not putting any effort into today, my hair is thrown into a ponytail and I'm wearing gray sweatpants with a white t shirt. I put on my black converse and bolt down the stairs. I only give myself ten minutes a day to eat breakfast. Upsetting but am I gonna change my schedule? Heck no. I love my sleep more.

I brew a coffee, pour a bunch of milk and creamer into it, grab a granola bar along with my car keys and head off to school. Well, before I exit the kitchen, I remember to put a lid on my coffee. I also remember my book bag and books. Smart Clarity. You just had a moment of clarity. Haha, see what I did there? Lame, right? I know.

Woah, did I even grab my phone? With one hand on the steering wheel, I search my pockets before realizing it's in the side of my book bag. This is the exact reason I hate Mondays. I'm always so forgetful and freaked out. Shouldn't I just be tired and lazy?

After I park my car in the school parking lot, I gather all my stuff up and exit the car. June is waiting for me by the front doors of the school. She's wearing a cute ocean blue dress.

"What happened to my model, Clarity? I leave you for a day and I get this?" June questions me as soon as I'm in earshot.

"You got lazy, 'swept up by a tornado' Clarity," I say, handing her a granola bar. She takes it from me and pulls me into the school.

"Anyways, so we're sitting with Luke and them at lunch," June says.

"What? Why me too? I don't have a huge crush on one of them," I say before June clamps a hand over my mouth.

"You do know you have the second biggest mouth at school," June says. I roll my eyes and shove her hand away.

"Yeah. The first is yours." I stomp off towards first period which luckily doesn't have her in it. Chemistry. Hopefully we set something on fire or use acids. Those are my favorite parts. Although, I will have to take off my sweatshirt.

I always forget Michael is in that class so I always feel a little embarrassed when I walk in and see him in the back. Of course, he barely gives me a glance. I drop my stuff down beside my desk, taking a seat and looking at the board. Today we are apparently doing a chip lab. Whatever that means.

Mr. Eisner walks in as the bell rings. "Take your seats!" he yells over the morning announcements. The announcements consist of sports games I don't care about and track places I also don't care about. The Science Club announcement is the only one I pay attention to. Mental note to stop by Mrs. Williamson's room after school. The announcements end and Mr. Eisner immediately starts talking.

"So, today! We will be doing a chip lab," he picks up a stack of papers, "You all are probably wondering what the heck that is. Well," he starts passing out papers, "I'm going to tell you. Take one, pass them back." I take a paper and pass it to Sam behind me. "You'll need goggles for this lab. We're going to be determining the amount of calories a chip has by burning it." Yes! Setting things on fire!

"You'll be needing a aluminum can, a chip of your choice, matches, a thermometer, a ring stand and a little box stand," he continues. "First, you will obviously get the chip. Then set it on the little box stand. Fill the aluminum can with room temperature water. Stick the thermometer in it. Take the temperature and write it on this paper. Don't forget to fill out the other boxes." Blah, blah, blah, more instructions.

"Easy enough?" he asks. Silence. Ah, how you can tell its first period. "Okay, today I have picked your pairs 'cause if you pick them, nothing gets done. So here's the pairs for this. Sam and Benjamin..." I'm sure you don't want to hear the list and well frankly, neither do I until I hear my name. "Clarity and Michael."

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