Chapter Twenty Two

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I dropped Michael, Calum and Ashton off at their houses to see their family before driving to my house. Luke and Juniper rode with his parents who seemed very confused at why they were there and why Luke was hugging them like crazy.

I pull in the driveway and see my dad's car also sitting there. In a rush, I turn off my car and exit my car before running inside. The kitchen light is on so I walk in there. My dad is leaning against the counter while reading a newspaper.

"Where's mom?" I ask as I hang up my keys. My dad looks up from his reading and gives me a confused expression.

"Still at the office. You know she gets home late on Fridays," my dad replies. It's not Friday, it's supposed to be Sunday. I press the lock button, lighting up my phone. Sure enough, the date reads Friday, the day the whole world went into a crazy chaos. "Clare, you alright? You look really confused and seem a bit breathless."

"Yeah I'm alright," I say with a smile on my face after I've locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. "Was just confused an all about the date."

My dad nods although he still looks concerned. "Alright. Dinner will be ready at 7:30."

I look at the clock and nod. It's 6:30 right now so that leaves an hour. I want to run over and hug my dad but I don't want to be all suspicious because then he'll question me about what I did and what I want then he'll think I'm lying when I say I just want a hug. So yeah. I don't want to deal with that.

"I'm going to call Michael but after that, do ya wanna watch The Avengers or something? I recorded Thor 2, the one that you were complaining you never got a chance to watch," I say.

"You found it on tv?" my dad asks with excitement to his voice. My dad absolutely loves superhero movies and he has me hooked on them too. "Of course! I might just start it without you if that phone call takes too long."

"Oh no you won't. I recorded that, I'm watching it too," I say, laughing. My dad shrugs but I know he's only joking about watching it without me. So after telling my dad that I'll be right back, I head upstairs to my room and shut the door.

I flop down onto my bed, grabbing my pillow and nuzzling my face into it to realize it smells like Michael. This was the pillow he used while he stayed here, claiming it was the softest pillow in the world. I smile at the thought and click on Michael's contact to call him.

He picks up after the third ring. "Hi Clarity Rarity, how's things over there?" He doesn't even seem surprised that I called but more like he expected it.

"Clueless. Completely clueless and did you see the date? It's back to the day it all started just with a later time," I reply. This whole situation is stressing me out more than the whole monster thing and I don't understand why. "It just makes me feel like that whole thing never really happened, ya know?"

"I know what you mean but you do have the memories that it was real and you have us to tell you you aren't crazy," Michael says. "I didn't even notice the date until you said something. That doesn't make sense. It's like the switch turned back time but then why would we remember?"

"I don't know. It just doesn't make sense and I don't want to think about it anymore," I respond. The line is quiet for a minute, neither one of us saying anything. I'm guessing Michael is thinking about it all.

Michael is the one to break the silence. "I think we should just get things back to normal like before all this stuff happened because we're going to look suspicious to anyone else and it's just going to drive us crazy."

"You're right. Have you talked to the others?" I ask.

"No but don't be surprised if someone makes a group chat. That someone being me," Michael says and I smile, shaking my head even though he can't see me.

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