Chapter Nineteen

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"I say this is a potential place it could be," Calum says, pointing at a spot on the map.

We reached the rest stop about twenty minutes ago. I grabbed a map from inside and we all agreed to take it outside and sit in the grass. Of course, I was on edge with all the monsters running around but the fresh air was worth it.

Right now, we're sitting in a circle around the map laid out over the grass. The shade of the tree cast shadows over all of us as a quiet breeze cools us down. The sun is killer today.

"You just want to stop by the music store," June says then points to another spot. "I say we check here."

"Who puts a trap door in one of the most popular stores?" Michael asks like she's an idiot. "What kind of- wait that's brilliant."

"Now who's the idiot," June says, rolling her eyes. "Who wouldn't put a trap door in Walmart. After all, that's where it all started. Or around there that is."

"Still you but now you're less of one," Michael mumbles. "Whatever. Anyways, I guess this calls for a trip back to Walmart, doesn't it?"

"It's starting to sound that way. Well, actually it already has," I say, looking around at the scenery around us. I could've sworn I seen something dart across the grass. Then again, Medusa would have noticed it. Maybe.

"I hate going to Walmart. It's always so crowded with people," Ashton comments. He's lying on his stomach and pulling grass out of the ground, tossing it at Calum who was twisting dandelion stems together.

"Ash, there will literally be no one in Walmart besides us," Luke says. Ashton raises both of his eyebrows and nods.

"Oh yeah," Ashton replies and I think I've just had an 'what even is this boy?' moment. Calum has added a few more dandelions to his twist and now it's starting to look like a crown.

Medusa stands up from her spot and stares across the yard where I saw a little thing dart across earlier. Her tail raises in the air and both heads are growling lowly.

The grass rustles and I stare at the spot in confusion. A little head pops up and looks at all of us. It has pointed ears and unruly brown hair with shiny green eyes.

"How cute," June comments. The little creature looks up at me and slowly walks towards me. It's only about eight inches tall I realize as it climbs up onto my lap. Medusa is still staring at it but at least she's stopped growling.

"Hi," I say as the little creature sits up, gazing at me. It looks just like a tiny boy who's been shrunk. "What's your name?"

"Timmy," he replies with a little boy's voice. "I'm a pixie. Not a fairy, I don't have wings."

"Hi Timmy. I'm Clarity," I introduce myself. "Where'd you come from?"

"Well, I don't know. It was dark down there but now look at all this light," he throws his hands up in the air and falls backwards. "It's amazing. And warm. And green. Oh so green."

"Timmy is out of his mind," Michael mutters to Luke who's sitting beside him. Luke nods in agreement and I shoot them both a glare. They give me wide eyes and look away.

"How did you get out here?" Juniper asks, leaning forward so her elbows are on her knees. Timmy looks over at her and shrugs.

"Don't remember. Hey, wanna play a game?" Timmy says, changing the subject. This pixie seems to jump from subject to subject.

"We're sorry Timmy but we can't. We have a job to do," Calum says. He's still staring at his twist of dandelions that looks almost done to me. I wonder how he learned to make flower crowns. He twists one more thing and smiles. Ashton scrunches his eyebrows as Calum places the crown on his head.

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