Chapter Seven

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"Clarity? Are you here?" a voice asks. I'm too tired to try and recognize the voice. Footsteps echo around the living room from the foyer before they are muffled by the carpet. I don't bother looking up either. I'm quite comfortable where I am with Michael. Someone sighs and says, "Oh Clarity."

By now I figured out who the voice belonged to. My mom. I guess she isn't going to do anything about the fact she found her daughter cuddled up with some random guy. She just walks out of the living room and probably into the kitchen. I gotta love my mother.

Michael mumbles something and pulls me closer. He's just so warm and such a cuddle bug. I can already feel my limbs falling back into sleep. But no. I have to get up at some point before my dad gets home or he'll kill Michael. Figuratively, of course. I hope.

I flip around to face Michael. He looks so peaceful while he's sleeping. His mouth is parted slightly and there's no creases in his face. Usually there is, right between his eyebrows like he's always worrying about something. I guess sleep is a stress reliever. Big time.

Focus Clarity! You have to wake him up. But he looks like he's an angel. How can you wake up an angel? Well, it's live angel or dead angel. Take your pick Clarity and make it quick. The voice in my head is really annoying especially right now. My fingers run across Michael's cheek, as soft as the fur of a kitten.

"Michael," I whisper. He groans and tucks his head in my neck. This is not going to be easy. "Michael," I whisper again, my lips brushing his ear.

"What?" he mumbles out this time.

"It's time to wake up," I say. He lifts his head up and rubs his eyes.

"Do I have to?" Michael groans.

"I can convince them to order pizza," I say, resorting to bribing him out of sleep.

"As long as it's pepperoni," he says.

I smile. "It's a deal."

Even with that deal, it took a heck of a long time to get him off the couch. I think he was enjoying himself too because he kept laughing. I tried to tug the blanket off of him. That didn't work since he has a grip like iron. I pulled on his arm. That only made him laugh. Then I sat on the floor and pouted. That's when he finally got up.

"Why are you on the floor?" he asks, looking down at me.

"I'm sorry. Did the last ten minutes not just happen?" I say sarcastically.

Michael laughs. "I'm only messin' with ya," he says as he sticks out a hand to help me up. I grab it and he pulls me up in one motion. "Now about that deal."

"To the kitchen! But beware, you are about to meet my mother," I say.

"To see the woman who gave birth to you?" Michael sucks in air through his teeth. "That's a scary thought."

"Oh c'mon. I'm not that bad," I say, turning on my heel and walking to the kitchen.

"Sure, besides the rep that you're the second scariest girl in school," Michael says as we enter. My mom is sitting at the kitchen table, reading with a cup of iced coffee. She looks up when we walk in.

"Clarity! The school called me and said you went home sick. Are you alright?" my mom asked.

"Yeah. Still a little queasy though," I say. "By the way, mom, this is Michael." I hope she doesn't say anything embarrassing.

She smiles. "It's nice to meet you. I was a little shocked to come home and find you two on the couch. I expected Clarity."

Michael grins. "Yeah, I guess it was kind of unexpected. It's nice to meet you, too. You're daughter is one heck of a loudmouth." I glare at him. My mom just laughs.

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