Chapter Fourteen

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We're all back at my place for lunch. Medusa it's happily chowing down the dog food I grabbed from the store a few blocks away. I didn't know whether she only eats with one head so I gave her two bowls. From the looks, she eats with both.

"I can't believe you took in a two headed dog," Juniper says, looking at Medusa. "You've always had a love for Fluffy, didn't you?"

"Had a love for Hagrid, not necessarily Fluffy. He scares the heck out of me," I reply. Juniper and I have been getting along more than I would have thought we would.

Ashton volunteered to make lunch so he's in the kitchen with whatever he grabbed from the store. The rest of us are in the living room. I just filled Luke and Juniper in with what I know. It seems that Mikey and Cal are playing a game of Rock Paper Scissors. I don't whether that's over something or if they're just doing that to pass the time.

"So you want to go out later to search for survivors and our family?" Luke asks.

"Basically. Why?" I answer. Luke just shrugs, looking down at the floor. I don't understand him whatsoever.

"Hah! You have to give Medusa a bath," Michael shouts suddenly and Calum groans.

"I swear you cheat at this. I know what you'll say but I swear you do," Calum says, pointing a finger at him.

"What're you talking about?" I ask.

"Medusa smells like really bad and Calum agreed so we were playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who would bathe her. Calum's mad that he lost," Michael says, smirking slightly at Calum. Calum glares at him with his arms crossed.

"Good luck Cal. She's a big dog," I say, leaning back against the couch. Jinx jumps down from the back of the couch and rubs his head against my arm. I set him on my lap and rub his head, earning purrs in return.

"No kidding. That dog could trample me and break all my bones. How can she possibly get a bath?" Calum complains, crossing his arms with a pout.

"Awe is the little Cal Pal mad?" Michael asks in a baby voice, ruffling Calum's hair. Calum seats his hand away and glares at Michael. Michael laughs. "Well, there's this thing called soap, like a lot of soap, and a hose out in the backyard."

"What if Cal gets attacked? Like y'all can't give her a bath in the bathtub? She isn't that big," I retort, looking at Michael as he shakes his head.

"I believe you would to preserve your floors, yes?" Michael asks and I shrug. "You surely don't want water damage to them and that's exactly what you'll get with Medusa and Calum in the bathroom. Besides, out there you can keep guard with those killer arrow skills you've got going on."

I roll my eyes before looking at my feet which were resting on the coffee table. "If you're giving Medusa a bath, I don't think we should go out tonight then."

"Why not?" Calum asks although he doesn't sound too disappointed.

"Medusa will be all wet and wore out from romping around the yard. Calum, you'll be all wet, frustrated and exhausted. I'll be constantly on edge and I think everyone just needs time to adjust. We did just add three new people to our entourage," I reply, looking back up at the people surrounding me.

"Good points," Michael says, leaning back against the couch beside me. He leans his head on my shoulder and lets out a yawn. "We haven't even had lunch yet and I'm already tired."

It's only 12:50 pm and Michael is already exhausted. This is going to be a long struggle with this place like this. The rest of our group also looks tired or have fear hidden in their eyes.

Something bangs against the window causing all of us to jump. Even Michael who was half asleep on my shoulder. My breathing speeds up along with my heart rate as another bang sounds from the window.

Slowly, I stand up and walk to the window. My fingers brush against the curtain before I grip the edge. I pull open the curtain with a tug and let out a scream. In my jump backwards, my leg hits something and I go crashing to the ground.

In the window stands a bloody girl. Blood coats her hair, dripping down into her face and costing the rest of her body. There's bloody handprints all over the window. Her teeth are razor sharp, a wicked smile carved into her face.

"Back from the window!" Michael shouts as the girl turns her gaze onto him. Michael freezes and his skin pales.

I scramble around on the floor until I can finally stand. I grab my bow from the wall it was resting against and nock an arrow. Releasing the arrow, it flies through the air and shatters the window before planting inside of girl's eye.

The girl's scream echoes off the wall causing my ears to ring. In an attempt to block out the noise, I cover my ears after dropping my bow to the ground. I collapse to my knees, my forehead against the floor as the screams continue.

"Shut up!" Someone yells but I can't tell who it is. Everything sounds the same over the ringing. Suddenly, the screaming stops leaving the room empty of sound besides our harsh breathing.

I pull my head up and look at the broken window which no longer shows the bloody girl. My body feels weak as I slump back onto the ground. I close my eyes, willing myself to be strong. To get off this floor and look out the window.

"Who..." I trail off as my voice cracks. I clear my throat before continuing, "who yelled shut up?"

"June," Luke says. His voice sounds like he just woke up from a nightmare. Full of fear and all raspy.

"Good job," I say before opening my eyes and resting on my elbows. I look around at the ones I can see. Calum must've dived over the couch because I can't see him laying around anywhere.

Ashton comes stumbling into the living room with a wooden spoon in his hand. In other situations, I would've laughed.

"What's wrong? What just happened?" Ashton questions, blinking his eyes rapidly. "Don't mind me. I just got a face full of hot steam in my eyes."

I'm not even going to ask what happened. Instead, I just answer his first questions. "There was a bloody girl in the window and I shot her in the eye and she screamed. Really loud."

"When did you turn British?" Ashton asks, rubbing at his eyes. Everyone groans.

"She was literally a bloody mess. Covered in blood!" Calum explains.

"Oh..." Ashton mumbles. We all sit in silence, occasionally glancing at the window covered in blood with sun shining through it.

I stand up and move to the window. Glass is sprinkled on the floor which crunches when I step on it. A rotting meat smell takes over and I almost gag. Covering my nose, I look out the window to see absolutely nothing besides a little pool of blood. I step back from the window to get a breath of air that isn't tainted with the smell of rotting meat.

"We're going to need to board up this window. And clean this blood up. Oh god, it smells awful," I state, grimacing.

"Let's not sit here moping around. Clarity, start assigning chores to do. I already have to go bathe Medusa," Calum says, appearing from behind the couch.

"Okay. I'll sit outside and guard Calum while he's bathing Medusa. Ashton is still in charge of lunch, unless that's done," Ashton shakes his head and I continue, "Ashton is still in charge of lunch. June, you are in charge of cleaning the glass up. Luke, you're the blood cleaner. Michael, you board up the window."

"Why do I have to clean the blood?" Luke whines, throwing his head back.

"Shush. Oh June, find some way to get rid of that stench while you're at it," I order. Everyone nods and stands up. "Let's get to it."

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