Chapter Four

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"Now you're down to hear how my day went?" I ask. I'm on the phone with Juniper. She has enough dignity to ignore me at lunch and the call me? Maybe I need a new friend.

"What's your deal? Just because my attention wasn't 100% on you?" June asks, sounding annoyed.

"Your attention was 0% on me. It was 100% on Luke and trying to fit in. I'm sorry Juniper but that's not my thing. Listen, if you want to hang out with them, drop me as a friend. It'll gain you more access," I say. I press end call before she has the chance to respond.

Sitting in front of me is my pre calc book, opened to page 264. Homework in this, English and American History. How fun. I groan, pushing myself off my bed. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. My parents aren't home, they work until midnight, and I'm an only child meaning I get the whole house to myself.

I flip on the light switch and jump, letting out a high pitched scream. I press a hand to my chest to calm my heart beat. In the window, a pair of glowing yellow eyes are staring at me. It's just Jinx waiting to be let in. Jinx is our indoor/outdoor cat. He always freaks me out with those yellow eyes and black fur. You can't see anything besides his eyes. I open the window and he hops in, rubbing against my arm. I rub his head before heading to the fridge to get a snack.

After grabbing a water bottle and a fudge round, I head back upstairs. Lying across my pre calc book is Jinx. That cat. I roll my eyes and flop onto my bed. International rule that you can't touch a pet while they are sleeping. It's not like I wanted to do pre calc anyways. My phone starts ringing so I pick it up. On the screen is an unfamiliar number but I pick it up anyways.

"Hello?" I ask, taking a bite of my fudge round.

"Hey, Clarity," a voice answers.

"Who's this? How'd you get my number?" I ask.

"It's Michael. I got your phone number from Luke who got it from June," Michael says. Why did he get my number? "I must sound like a stalker."

"You do. Please tell me why you acquired my number," I say. Michael chuckles.

"You're a lot more confident on the phone," he says.

"So are you. Now talk bud," I say. Michael chuckles again.

"Okay. Well, I had a question. God, I didn't get that much confidence," he says, the last part sounded like it was meant for someone off the phone. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies tomorrow, maybe?"

"Hmm, well you just interrupted my homework so ten points to Ravenclaw," I say, stifling a laugh. "Sure."

"That's a relief," Michael says with a sigh. "I'll let you get back to your homework. I'll talk with you tomorrow."

"Bye Michael," I say.

"Bye Clarity," Michael says. I smile and hang up the phone.

Time for boring homework. Jinx has up and already left leaving my pre calc wide opened. Pre calc first since that takes longest. Then English then American History. I'm in for one boring night.

I wonder who Michael was talking to on the other end. Could it be Luke? I bet Juniper is with them then. Backstabbing traitor. Too much?

What I really don't get is why Luke makes fun of Michael at school but out of school he's all buddy buddy with him. Uhm, okay Mr. Popularity? Make up your mind.

Michael has never been physically bullied before that I have seen. Probably because he has the brains of someone who has survived three zombie apocalypse and knows all the best ways to attack back.

Two hours later, homework is done! I glance at the clock and let my face fall into my bed. It's nine o'clock. I have an hour or so to get ready for bed. My phone rings again. Can people please just leave me alone for the night? I mean, I'm totally not complaining about the call with Michael. That led somewhere I really like. Okay, that sounds creepy. I pick up my phone.

"Hello," I say, not bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Hey mom," I say. Usually my mom never calls so I'm a little nervous.

"I'll be home in a half hour. I got off of work early. I just wanted to know if you wanted me to stop and get anything," my mom says. Oo, what to get?

"How late is Baskin Robbins open till?" I ask. I could really use some birthday cake ice cream.

"Ten. Is that what you want? The birthday cake?" she says.

"It's like you read my mind," I say. My mom laughs. "I'll see you when you get home. Bye mom!"

"Bye sweetheart. See you in a bit!" she replies and hangs up. Bless my mother for getting me ice cream this late at night. Okay it's not late for me but it's late for my mother.

I walk downstairs, phone in hand and almost drop it by jumping inches into the air. "Jinx!" I gasp, a hand to my chest. "How many times in one day?" Jinx walks out from the shadows behind the stairs. It's like he does it on purpose. Scare me, that is.

As my mom said, she was home at 9:30. She was carrying her big purse, don't ask me what she puts in there, and a bag from Baskin Robbins. Her brown hair is out of its usual business bun. I have the same color hair as her. In fact, I look just like her except my eyes. She has brilliant blue eyes and I have grey. My dad has hazel which kind of explains the grey.

"Hi Clarity. How was school?" my mom asks as I walk into the foyer.

"It's a Monday so not great," I say.

"Something happen?" she asks. I take the bag with the ice cream in it from her, allowing her to take off her heals.

"I kind of got in a fight with June. Oh and remember the boy I was talking about? The one with different hair every month?" I say. She nods.

"The one you have the biggest crush on," she teases me. My face flushes bright red.

"Yeah, well we're going to the movies tomorrow," I say, rubbing the back of my neck. It's a nervous habit I picked up on from my dad.

"Oh that's great! Not the thing with June but...what's the boy's name?"


"Cute name." My mom winks and walks into the kitchen. Sometimes, she scares me greatly. I follow her into the kitchen and set the bag onto the table. I grab my ice cream and a spoon from the utensils drawer. "So what's with the fight with June?"

"She pulled me to the popular table today. I didn't really want to go but she wasn't listening. Anyways, she completely ignored me the whole time then after school, she called me and wanted to know how my day went. I told her that if she wanted to hang with the populars, then just drop me as a friend so she'll have more access," I say. Looking back on it, that was kind of harsh to call her out like that. I guess I was just being my usual reactive self.

"Honey, why not next time actually talk to her instead of blowing up like that? Even though that was very rude of her to do. Have you heard from her since?" my mom asks as she puts her bag on the table and takes out her own ice cream. From the looks, I think she got cotton candy.

"Nope," I say, shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. Nothing is better than cold, sugary ice cream. My mom scowls.

"Then leave her be," she says, putting her own spoonful into her mouth. I smile. I really love my mom.

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