Chapter Eleven

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"For now, let's just test your aim," Michael says as I fit the quiver of arrows on my back. Michael is leaning over the sink, drawing a huge target on the mirror with some lipstick he found on the floor. What a waste of a good bright red lipstick.

"Why the mirror? Glass will shatter everywhere which will hit on of us if not both of us," I question. He turns his head to look at me and shrugs. His galaxy hair is slowly fading away, the purples and blues becoming washed out.

"You have a better idea? I can't just send you out there without knowing what your skills are," he tosses the lipstick in the trash, "That would be complete suicide."

"You don't know what that thing out there is or what it would even do," I state, motioning to the door. "How do you even know that this will kill it?"

"Just a theory," he mumbles then in a louder voice he adds, "Besides, who cares if you kill it or not? You just have to harm it enough to get away."

"So I'm just supposed to shoot the red circle on the mirror?"

"Basically. Now shoot the mirror," Michael demands as he moves away. I roll my eyes but do as I'm told.

Deep breath. Pull and aim. Let breath out. Let it fly.

The arrow sails through the air and hits its mark. As soon as the arrow hits the glass, the mirror cracks. Spider webs spread throughout the whole thing and bits of glass rain down into the sink. Michael laughs and pats me on the back. I lower my bow to my side and look up at him.

"Guess I wasn't so bad after all," I say.

"You got that right. So I got to thinking."

"Oh my. This is never good."

"Be quiet. Anyways, as I was saying, I got to thinking and realized there are lights in here but they're off in the rest of the store. Did those monsters not want to scare the people going to the bathroom or are they watching us?" Michael makes a good point.

"Let's get out of here. I'm not risking it being the latter," I state, grabbing the arrow from the wall and putting it back in the quiver.

"'s probably still pitch black out there. I don't want to lose you," Michael begins. "Promise me you'll stay near me at all times."

"Michael I won't be able to see at all," I reply. Michael stares at me for a moment. Then, it looks as if a light bulb should glowing above his head.

"We'll get back to the section we were in and get rope then we'll tie it to our belt loops and bam! We're connected," Michael says, grinning.

"Good idea. Let's just hope we don't run into that monster again," I say. Michael nods and leaves the bathroom, tugging me along with him.

As the bathroom door shut behind us, the store is encased in darkness again. My breath hitches in my throat as a cold breeze pushes against my face. Michael squeezes my hand before he starts walking.

"Can't we use a flashlight?" I ask right before I bump into a rack in the middle of the aisle, my leg colliding with a corner.

"Clarity seriously. Watch where you are going," Michael says quietly in a joking tone. Only he could joke at a time like this. "Go ahead, it's not like it'll harm us any. I say they probably have night vision with those glowing green eyes."

My fingers lock around my phone and pulls it out of my pocket. I turn on the flashlight and the aisle is illuminated with a white light. I look around slowly. Things are knocked over, carts are stranded, items tossed on the ground and several cracks break apart the floor. When I look back up, Michael's gone.

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