You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)part3

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I ran downstairs and smiled at everyone and walked out with my white sunglasses and grinned happily with my black and blue etnies on and we headed out the door into the blinding sun. “so your not going to tell me?” I asked justin he shook his head with a grin and we headed down to a black range rover and Kenny was there.

“hi again” he said smiling at me I snorted a bit and smiled at him and he patted my head making me laugh a bit.

“hi.” I said smiling at him I had called my mom and she said she wanted details when I got back I had told her fine and made sure she had hot cocoa ready for me.

“lets go!” justin cheered making me laugh a bit and we got into the car and I sat next to justin and the others were in the back and he grinned at me excitedly.

“so…..where are we going?” I tried to weasel it out of him but he shook his head at me laughing and I sighed dejected.

“youll like it I promise” he said nodding at me I sighed  pouting playfully and nodded a bit and looked at him curious as to how he was doing with the whole Jessica thing..

“whats with the intent look again?“ he asked and I looked away thinking a bit and looked back at him.

“trying to figure out where were going..but its not going so well” I said pouting and he patted my head and I swatted at his hands away from me and he laughed a rich throaty laugh making me get some goosebumps I blamed It on the AC.

“obviously seriously I saw smoke coming out of your ears” he teased making me glower and he poked me a few times and I felt my phone vibrate and I saw it was a text form Emily in latin and I looked at her she winked and I read it ‘justins loosening up around you..i think he likes you’ I thought it in English. I and she studied all year last year with latin and since we are both good with languages I understood it.  I texted her back in a sigh in latin and wrote ‘no he doesn’t..he just likes that I treat him like a normal teen he wouldn’t like me stop that romantic mind of yours…’ I sent with a lol at the end and looked at justin he was confused.

“what language was that?” he asked and I snorted and laughed a bit and patted his hand he swatted my hands away “ hey hey! Watch the hair..its valuable” he said joking I poked his nose laughing.

“yeah yeah sure it is” I said grinning and he laughed and we pulled up and justin covered my eyes making me groan in annoyance I felt the car park and I justin took his hands off my eyes and we got out.

“welcome to the aquarium where tons of fun things will be happening” he said smiling at me my eyes lit up like Christmas lights I was really excited now. I looked around in awe and we all headed towards the ticket booths.

“hey hey ARIA GIVE ME A PIGGY BACK RIDE” chaz yelled jumping on my back making me stumble forward and I groaned.

“dude your heaaaavy…” I said whining he laughed and pouted a bit and ryan was laughing hysterically with Emily on his back. She was snickering into his back and I grinned at them and felt my phone vibrated and I looked at it and justin was walking ahead with Kenny.

‘hey its mom…I think I have a surprise for you when you get you honey and have fun’ she texted I smiled and texted her back

‘at the aquarium see you when I get home!’ I texted and I grinned at the text and put it away and skipped up to justin.

“you look really sad I noticed it when I first met you…whats wrong?” I asked him and he looked at me shocked “you had fake enthusiasm when you got to my house…” I said looking up at him and he sighed.

“My now ex broke my heart…I am taking a break from everything and…its gotten better but it still stings..she dumped me after I got an award at the VMA’s and I was going to give her a promise ring we have been together since the baby music video…but I guess she didn’t feel the same as I did..” he said softly I put my arm around his waist giving him a side hug and he put an arm around my shoulders smiling.

You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now