You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)part9

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Later that day my mom came in smiling at me “hey sweetheart want to come to the recording studio with me today? recording an interview and they said I can use it since all the rooms are full” she said I nodded and stood up Emily looked at me and grinned .

“im leaving to hang with chaz anyway…another sleepover tonight…” she said sternly I nodded and she gave me the tigerbeat magazine with justins face on the cover I put it into the bag  I was planning on bringing and sighed a bit.

“alright ill see you later” I said she nodded and left I went and straightened my hair and left it down. I pulled on a light sea green tank top and a white long sleeve Abercrombie shirt and a pair of light blue flare jeans.  I sighed a bit and looked around and slipped my black and blue Osiris shoes on and pulled a studded belt through my loops and I grabbed an apple from the table.

“ready?” my mom asked I nodded and went with her to the studio and I walked in with my shades on and looked around my mom took me around and I found it very interesting I looked at her and she smiled. “pretty cool huh?” she asked and I laughed  abit

“mom…dad taught me this stuff remember?” I asked and she sighed shaking her head and hugged me around the shoulders.

“I always forget how old you are…you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman sweetie..” she said and someone came in and looked at me and then my mom with a huge smile on his face.

“were ready for you.” He said she left me in there and I looked around nervously and I grinned a bit when no one was there and I looked around and went to turn my music on and I chose a song I remember from my mom when I was little and my dad left for the mission. Its called ‘Someones Watching Over me’ I put the karaoke Cd in and I sighed biting my lip and set myself up and I went back and it was quiet and then the music started I put the head phones on grinned shaking my head and my phone vibrated and I bit my lip and nodded my head looking at my phone.

‘hey its justin…I might have a surprise for you later…when you get home start in the kitchen..

Jb’ I smiled a bit and nodded my head putting my hair into a messy loose ponytail I sang the song and another came on making me grin like crazy. It was my song I wrote called who says and the music was already made this was all on one Cd and I decided to have some fun. I danced funnily with my eyes closed and I sang my heart out and grinned shaking my head a bit. I guess this was a song for myself I mean seriously who says I cant be who I want to be without being judged.

I finished and smiled a bit and heard clapping I jumped and saw justin standing there and I gulped a bit wide eyed in shock…shit he was supposed to be at the recording studio today. I totally forgot about that and looked at him worried my mom smiled softly shaking her head in amusement and I saw usher there as well…wow…

I took the head phones off and walked out of the studio blushing an insane shade of red and I was shaking in nerves now.

“wow…you can sing..” justin said shocked and I looked at him nervously and laughed a bit and put my hands in my back pockets and nodded a bit.

“not much I do write my own stuff…but…never really do anything with it..” I said shrugging my mom laughed a bit.

“if anything it’s hard to get her away from the guitar or piano..” my mom said with a silly simle on her face and I blushed crimson again feeling warm and slightly nervous I scuffed my shoes on the ground and I felt someone staring and I looked up seeing justin tipping his head to the side. He reached over and took my hair down and smiled.

“much you up for hanging out?” he asked and I looked at him then at myself and shrugged a bit looking my mom she nodded.

“yeah sure..” I said smiling at him and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I grinned a bit and he started to dougie making me laugh a bit. He grinned and shook his head a bit popping his collar and I chuckled again. I went and changed and pulled on a beautiful green dress and some flats and pulled my hair half back and walked out and laughed hysterically at the look on his face.

“theres that laugh come on” he said I nodded with a smile on my face and he pulled something out of the recording thing and put it into his pocket. I raised an eyebrow and he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed a shocked laugh and he smiled putting his arm around my shoulder and we left the building the paparazzi going crazy but I went with it and smiled at the cameras and justin stubbornly kept his arm around my shoulders not saying anything and we walked past them as they shouted questions at me and I kept my face pleasant and didn’t say a thing.

We made it to the car and I smiled at Kenny and he grinned back and justin whispered in his ear and I raised an eyebrow and Kenny laughed a nice laugh. “alright JB fair enough..” he said and drove off  I looked at him weird and he grinned at me.

“where are we going?” I asked and he sighed a bit putting an arm around my shoulder and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“I am not telling you…it’s a surprise…and I love surprises..” he said I grinned at him and shook my head and he looked at me closely. “you know your doing well for this being your first time with paparazzi” he said smiling at me.

“I am just using common sense its unnerving and scary but keep smiling and keep quiet seems the right way to go..” I said and he nodded approving and I sighed a bit looking out the window of the car and I watched things pass by and it was quiet not bad though and a song came on and I grinned its Can I go Now by Jennifer love Hewitt. I sang along looking out the window and I smiled a bit as it finished nd soon  all I saw was black and I freaked out and justin laughed at me.

“relax its only a blindfold..” he said and he helped me out of the car I looked around sighed I still cant see but justin was careful about me hitting my head. I was picked up bridal style and I heard cars….sirens….buses….and then a gate opening it creaked and I smelled gas…garbage…and something else. I was led forward and carefully I was bent down and pulled forward we walked a bit his hand warm in mine and I felt the butterflies again.

“justin…can I take this off yet?” I asked carefully not showing how nervous I was and justin chuckled a very adorable one at that.

“give me 5 minutes..” he said and I heard him walk away and I sighed feeling like an idiot and slid down to the ground sitting with my legs crossed in front of me waiting patiently and I don’t know how long I sat on the concrete floor but soon enough I heard footsteps and I looked up out of habit and I was being pulled up.

“justin?” I asked and I heard his giggle and relaxed a bit and he took the blind fold off and I saw his caramel eyes dancing with amusement.

“come on..” he said softly leading me forward and soon enough I saw a huge theatre…it was amazing I gasped it was beautiful I looked around in awe and justin was quiet I took everything in and smiled at him and thought something over he was leaning against the door frame arms crossed over his chest and I looked at him weird and smiled a bright smile.

“so..what are we doing here?” I asked him and he got a genuine smile on his face and he flipped his hair and walked over to me and took my hand and brought me on stage where I saw a beautiful piano. He pulled me up the stairs and I was laughing a bit and he pulled me next to him and he looked at me and sighed a bit.

“so…I wrote a song recently…its called pray and I want you to hear it first..” he said I nodded and bit his lip hands hovering over the keys. “you kind of…inspired me and I want to make sure its okay before I record it..” he said looking at me intently I nodded intrigued and he started to play the piano the words washing over me making me smile and some tears roll down my face in sheer brilliance of the song and when the last note hit the air I grinned and wiped my tears. “was it that bad?” he asked softly and I laughed and put my head on his shoulder and smiled shaking my head.

You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now