You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)part5

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I ran until my lungs were aching and my legs hurt and I saw I was at the dance studio…I went inside and looked around and saw beth. “oh…aria…I wasn’t expecting you..” she said shocked I handed her twenty dollars.

“can I get the back studio for a while I need to vent for a while..” I said softly she didn’t ask questions and handed me the keys.

“lock up after your done..” she said I nodded and went into the studio and shuffled through cds and found the one I was looking for I put the song on. Pain by three days grace and I went to the changing room and I pulled on my extra dance clothes I leave here for when I need time alone. I came back out and stood in my barefeet and my black ripped tights, my silk black leotard that’s spaghetti strapped, my hair up in a short ponytail, and a pair fo spandex shorts. I hit play and the song blasted and I started to dance all my anger out on the army, my dad, my feelings that are confusing for justin whom I just met a day ago, my mom for letting dad do this,  just everything!

I danced until I was crying and covered in sweat I wiped my eyes and switched the song to over and over  by three days grace as well and I swayed a bit and did a slower beat and slowed my heart rate so I could continue. I did a swift lyrical song and tried to get rid of all my pent up anger.

“over and over over and over I fall for you..over and over over and over I try not to!” the song sang this was justins song I guess  after the song was done and I looked around and paced back and forth trying not to cry…ugh! I don’t see my dad for 10 years except once when he surprised me at school then he left again for another few years. He comes back and is leaving in a few days for two years…I went to the mirror and glared at my reflection I couldn’t look at myself and turned around and started to dance again I got worse as I started to get shaky and I did a jump and landed and my leg gave out I hit the floor hard and hissed in pain and started to cry hitting the floor. The song was on Animal I have become and I cried harder wishing someone could ease the ache in my heart.

“aria..” someone said in a relieved sigh and they came over and pulled me close stroking my sweaty hair. “its okay…your not alone anymore.” It was justin I pulled back shocked and I had calmed to hiccups and I wiped my eyes and they stung from the sweat on my hands. 

“how did you find me?” I asked in a rough voice and he looked at me shaking his head at me and wiped some tears away from my face.

“easy…I know you love to dance and I do the same thing or go to my piano if I am upset…” he said softly I looked at him and cringed his shirt was splotched with tear and sweat stains.

“im sorry I got your shirt wet from my sweat and tears..” I said laughing a bit and he shook his head amazed at my change of topic and not wanting to focus on my own problems.

“its okay…I don’t mind seriously…look why don’t you go enjoy the time you have with your dad..before he leaves…he is worried sick about you muttering things about calling a helicopter out for you..” he said rolling his eyes I sighed and the song call me when your sober came on.

“I don’t want to get hurt again when he leaves justin I don’t think I can keep doing this..” I muttered softly “this is the second time it happened..” I said pulling my knees up to my chest and leaned on him he kept both of our weight up he stood up and pulled me to the back wall and let me lean on him again.

“I know its hard but…think of it this way atleast he came home to see you and your mom…atleast you can see him..” he whispered and I remembered something weird,

“aren’t you supposed to be at the recording studio?” I wondered and he shrugged a bit.

“your more important…im your friend and your in need I explained it to scooter and he said I could go in tomorrow morning..” he said stoking my hair I stood up shaking my head.

You Smile...I smile (a justin bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now