SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY WENT WELL. After, I was on the bus with Ana on the way home talking about our day.
I chattered about my school assignments, possibly auditioning for the drama production next Friday, and joining the school art club. Although Ana listened, she didn't say anything back. She was very quiet, even too quiet for Ana.
"Ana, what's wrong?" I asked.
"N-n-nothing," she responded, quieter than before.
"Ana, you're keeping something from me. We're great friends, right?" I asked.
"Then let me know what's happening. You need to tell someone, because something is bothering you. Are you alright?" I was worried about what she was going to say.
"Y-yes. It was just, that, well, today, in French 4 class, the kids were making fun of me," she begin. "They think just because France is my native homeland and I am taking the class I am stuck up or something. Plus, the whole class is seniors, of course, because of the level. I was so excited to take this class! I thought I could learn more about my home country and stay connected to it and all, but I am beginning to wonder if it was a mistake. I think they might be unhappy with me, only a freshman, in French 4 class."
"But you're natively French!" I protested. How silly and mean could students be to another student?
"They know that. I actually thought-well, it doesn't matter now. I'm so disappointed-and scared."
"You're scared Ana? Oh, why?" I said, quietly, myself.
"I just do not want my parents to feel bad for coming here to America. They already know I really miss living in France. I am scared of the kids in my class, really, too. None of them seem nice at all. "
"Ana...I'm so sorry....what do you think you should do?" I asked, my heart aching for my friend.
"For my parents' sake, I will stay in the class, try to be brave, and do what my heart tells me to."
"You are brave Ana- you're definitely not one who just gives up to want to continue in the class, although it would be hard. Don't worry about those students in the class. Just have fun with French 4! What did your teacher say?" I asked, hoping for a positive response.
"Oh, she was delighted a French-American student is taking her class! She's nice," and Ana smiled a little.
I was indignant inside. What was the matter with certain kids? Teens? Why do they just pick on other people who are not doing anything to even nearly deserve such treatment? Ana was such a sensitive, delicate girl. She couldn't take mean treatment. Even after more than six months, still, she was very quiet and scared, to be in a new country, really, all by herself. I vowed to myself to support her and help her fit in as much as I could. Both of us were new students at Thomas Edison High- but Ana not just from a new school around town. She was from another country. Another world of her own, a culture and way of life she had to leave behind forever.
"It must be so hard sometimes to have left your country, coming to an all-new place," I said softly.
"Oui, it is. Sorry, I sometimes long to speak in my native language," Ana said, with a distant look on her face.
"Speak in French all you want, Ana!" I said, smiling. "I may only be in French 1 as of yet, but pretty soon we might be able to speak a lot in French with each other once I get the hang of it."
"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Ana said, beaming.
Just then, I noticed how pretty Ana really was. Her very light brown hair, braided, that almost reached to her waist, strongly contrasted my dark brown hair that was shoulder length and tied into a ponytail. Her sparkling blue eyes, clear complexion, and beautiful smile completed the pretty face that was Ana's. Really, the only similarities in appearance between us was that she was almost the same height as me and she seemed even thinner than me. But that was it.
"You're so pretty Ana!" I said smiling.
She blushed at the compliment. "Oh, Hannah! Thank you, but I always have wanted your beautiful, brown eyes. They are so very pretty. Looking into them, I feel like I am looking inside of you and your heart."
"That's beautiful, what you just said Ana." I thought for a second, then asked "do you think we could hang out after school tomorrow, to do homework?"
"Well, tomorrow I have ballet barre and classes. Could we make it Thursday?" she asked.
"Yes, that should work. I will ask my mom tonight to confirm." I added, "Your house or mine?"
"Would you like to come to mine?" asked Ana. "My mom always says she loves having you around, you're so kind. But next time I can come to your house if you want."
"Love to go to yours!" I responded, just when the bus stopped near my house. "I will see you tomorrow Ana. Will you be ok?"
"Yes, I will. Thank you, so much, Hannah, for-for, being my friend." As she added, "I will see you tomorrow," there was a sweet smile on her face which really showed that she was so glad we were friends.
I smiled back. "And thanks for being mine," I winked. "Bye Ana!"
Getting off the bus, I was sure I had a big, crazy smile on my face, so very happy for the friendship between Ana and me, given and blessed by God.
That's all for Chapter 5! :) How did you like it? Don't forget to follow me if you're enjoying the story, and to vote. Thank you a lot for reading and showing your support! :)

Following Her Heart (CURRENTLY EDITING)
Teen FictionHannah is nervous to start her freshman year at a new school, Thomas Edison High. As her school year begins, she finds out schoolwork is pretty challenging-not to mention her closest friend at school is beginning to be bullied by some mean students...