Chapter 21

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I SMILED AS I WALKED INTO WORLD HISTORY I CLASS. I know, this class is the hardest and most annoying class all day at school. Probably the most annoying and hardest that I have ever taken. But I was walking with my bff, Ana Hart. Right with me was Danny Parker, my guy best friend. With him, was funny Jason, his friend. All four of us were close friends now, and had grown so close together this almost already past semester. All four of us had hung out this past weekend, after the show Saturday night, and had so much fun. All though, it was awkward for awhile after the show, riding home with Danny. After everything at the show, I didn't feel comfortable right away.

But we had a fantastic time eventually. Ana kept winking at me, and I didn't know why. Jason was laughing more than usual, and it was so weird at first. But soon we all were having much too much fun together and forgot all the uncomfortableness of before.

Now we all walked into class, happy as ever. The rest of our classmates must have thought we were crazy, or nearly, at least by the looks on their faces at us, for us being happy about entering strict Mrs. Sylvester's world history class. But it didn't matter. As long as us four were together we could have anyone stare at us like we were crazy. We were four crazy best friends.

I took a seat, and before I realized it, I was next to Amanda. Oh.

She looked at me with a cold stare.

"Hi Amanda," I managed to say.

She ignored me. And pretended she was reading.

I had to say it to her. What I had been planning and trying to say for awhile. "Amanda, I am not sure what exactly is going on in your life right now, and the terrible things you did to Ana and I was very mean of you. But as a Christian, I'd like to say, I forgive you. I have forgiven you for all you've done to me, and Ana told me she forgives you too. I pray that things will improve in your life soon."

She looked at me in shock. "You forgive me?" she said, with her eyes as big as saucers.

"Yes, I forgive you Amanda. Whatever happens, always remember" -I hesitated, hoping she'd take this a good way-"God loves you always, and forever."

"Thank you Hannah. For all I have done to you, and you have forgiven me." I thought I could see a tear glisten in her eyes. A soft look never before seen on her face was there. Her other friends showed up, though, just then, and that soft look faded away too soon. "Thanks Hannah," she said quickly. Then she turned to her friends and sat down somewhere else in the classroom.

Danny sat down next to me, while Ana sat in the back of me. Just before class started, I looked back at Ana, and she looked at me, then Danny, and winked. I gave her a questioning look back, but she didn't reply or give any best friend looks so you know exactly what your best friend is thinking.

Danny and I worked together on a mini-project in class, while Ana and Jason worked on one together as well behind us. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they kept whispering and laughing together. Danny was quiet, but communicative enough to get our project done.

I was the one with all the talk and no real ideas. My head was full thinking of what was wrong, or what Jason and Ana were whispering about.

I heard some words, they included "Danny," the "show," "dancing on stage." Nothing else I could hear well between them.


At lunch break, Ana and I hung out and ate by ourselves, Danny and Jason were off somewhere else "doing stuff and having guy time" as Jason said. We talked about the plans Ana had for French club as president, how we could possibly enjoy World History better, and about the spring drama production, whether we'd participate or not. And the summer mission trip for high school youth being planned by our church at the moment, whether we would go or not.

"Isn't it wonderful how goofy and awesome our friends Danny and Jason are?" I asked Ana.

"Oui, definitely. Hehe, maybe even more than good friends for some of us," she said giggling. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, surprised at what she meant.

"Nothing. Just something I know, for you to find out one day."

She hugged me, and had a big smile on her face. "I love you Hannah. I cant take how amazing you are sometimes. One day, maybe you will realize how unique and beautiful you are. Maybe someone who knows it right now will tell you soon."

"Ana, I love you. Thank you so much." Although I wondered who she meant. "We will always be best friends, right?" I smiled.

"Always and absolutely forever Hannah."  she said, the most confidently she had ever sounded.

We had our arms over each other's shoulders, in our now typical best friend pose, walking outside for a few minutes before the fifth period bell rang.

How amazing and wonderful and kind you are God, what family and friends and a life you have given me. Thank you!  I said, praying and thanking God for His abundant blessings in my life.

I smiled, and at least what I felt like, I have never smiled or felt before. Life was beautiful, life was wonderful. I had the best people to share my life with, and a wonderful future to live, how much God had given me in way of blessings this freshman year at Thomas Edison.

Ana and I walked the outside of the school, running, laughing, like little kids. Like crazy best friends. Because that's who we are. And always will be. Best friends forever, bound by faith, hope and love of God, and of each other.


I want to cry right now. I have just finished writing my last chapter to this book!! But thankfully, I am planning a sequel already for you all! For those who have enjoyed this book, I hope you like the sequel I am planning. Within a week or two, I should have the prologue or first chapter written and published for it. Stay tuned! Also, this is not the complete end. I have an epilogue, which I will publish by tomorrow (hopefully). ;)

Thank you so much for everyone who has kept up reading this! I am so happy that people have enjoyed this story and are actually excited for a sequel to it! That makes me so happy!! <3

I'd like for all of you who are interested in the sequel to answer the following questions if you could:

1. Would you enjoy different character point of views? Instead of just Hannah's? Or would you like me to stick to writing from the main characters point of view?

2. What would you like to see/see more of in the next book? Let me know, anything and everything you'd like to see next! :)

3. Do you prefer shorter or longer chapters? Which would you like in the next book?

Thanks so much for all the  support I have received in writing this book!! I'd especially like to thank:

emojimojo, simplyw, KnittingStoryteller, and Kristenk923. They especially, have voted, and commented on like every chapter in this book and have been so supportive. Thanks a TON girlies!! <3 <3


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