Chapter 8

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ON SUNDAY NIGHT, I BEGIN EDITING MY REPORT ASSIGNMENT FOR HISTORY. Usually, I had my weekend homework done before this time, but I was getting a lot of homework now that I was in high school. I really hadn't expected it to be so time-consuming as it was. I had been working on Algebra problems, biology studying for a test on Monday, and a literature analysis essay earlier on Saturday and Sunday.

Now, I wanted to write in my journal, which I hadn't done in awhile. I began writing:

Dear Journal,

It's been awhile! I actually have some time to write and chill for a couple hours before bed. Tomorrow is when I will find out if I was cast in the school play. I really hope I was. But I will try not to be too disappointed in myself if I am not.

Friday at auditions, we also got to get to know Danny from our World History class. He seems like a really nice guy, and he's Christian and seems really kind. He had a good attitude towards Mr. Ganders, who's a really difficult teacher. He even encouraged me to have a better attitude towards our teacher, which I am grateful for. I am sure Danny will become a good friend of me and Ana's.

I am liking high school so far- I just have a couple worries. Like:

Why is there so much work? I know I was in Gifted and Talented classes in junior high, but  I never got this much homework. I do realize that I am in high school classes, and some of them are honors; and I should of remembered how challenging Thomas Edison's curriculum is. It's known as a tough high school program around here. I have so much work though. Like 2 hours or a lot more even sometimes, a night for homework. I can barely be with family in the evening or message Molly  and Riley, who I really miss. I know I will just have to study harder and try to work faster. In homeroom every day, I could probably get some more work done there if I tried.
Then in Ana's French class-most of the students in her class seem really mean. She's been getting some upsetting notes in her locker. I can't let this happen to Ana, of all people. She is much too senstive and could not bear it. She's already hurting a lot now. I love her so much and it hurts me to see her hurt! How dare anyone do this to Ana??!!!
I paused in my writing. I was scared of what the bullies or mean kids might do. Of all people, I should know how much it truly hurts to be bullied.
Just if I did-not saying I will-but if I get cast in the school play, there's practice for it three days a week for 2-3 hours. And I want to join French club and art club. How will I have time for all this? I know I need to be in some extra curriculars as well as just getting good grades to get into a good college in a few years. But I feel like I am going to have zero time for myself or to just have fun with my friends or family.
Oh, well. I think I just need to pray more and ask God for His help and guidance through all this.

Just then, my tablet gave its ring that announced I had got a new email or message. I got onto my email, and saw it was from Molly.

Hey Hannah! What's up? I miss u so much! :( School's a ton of fun, but its not the same without you this year. Altho Riley and I r doing great, we've said everyday how much we miss u. U seemed to be like the most popular kid at school, because everyone has asked about u and why u aren't here for the year. Lol. Just promise we can hang out soon, ok? I love you girl! You're more cool than ya know!
Molly :-)

I smiled as I read the message. It was nice to know Molly and Riley seemed to be missing me as much as I was them. I messaged back and promised we would hang out as soon as we possibly could.
"Hi, Hannah."
I looked up from my cozy beanbag. "Hi Mom!"
"Hun, I know you've been getting plenty of homework since school started, and you have always been my girl that works hard in school. But I want you to remember not to overwork yourself. Alright?"
"Okay Mom," I reassured
her, smiling. I didn't want to really let her know that I was kind of stressed out. Now I understand why Ana hasn't told her mom, I realized.
Why don't you come upstairs soon? Before the family all goes to bed?" Suggested mom.
"Okay. I will try. I'm just kinda chilling here."
I understand, Hannah. But don't forget about your family. "
"I won't mom. Ill come down in a little bit."
"Alright. If you need help with any remaining homework, let me know."
I will. Thanks Mom."
I wish I had more time to do fun stuff. But it looked like that wasn't going to happen as much anymore.
My mind wandered to the play audition results tommorow at school. Would I be cast? Maybe in just a small part of it, would be really awesome, I thought.

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