Chapter 9

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ME AND ANA WERE WITH THE OTHER STUDENTS OUTSIDE OF THE FINE ARTS ROOM THE NEXT DAY. In fact, we had practically ran the whole way here from our last class. Expedently, the whole group waited as Mrs. Gilbert waved the list around. "I will post the list here, as I can see you all are dying of excitement to read it," she said, laughing, amused and happy at our eagerness. 
The students crowded in to read it, so me and Ana, both rather short, and at the back of the group, had to wait. That is, until Danny saw us, read the list, and came back to us.
His eyes were twinkling. "Well, congratulations, to both of you. Not only were you both cast, but you both got leading roles."
We both gasped.
"You're Aurora, Hannah. And you're one of the fairies, Ana."
"What?!" I exclaimed. "You mean I am the main star in the play?!!!" I couldn't believe it.
"Yes, you are. Great job!"
"How did you do though Danny? Were you cast?" I asked.
"Yes, I am the prince," he laughed a little, rather embarassed.
I turned apple red. I couldnt help it. Just thinking of our roles in the play made me laugh and get embarrassed at once. Danny seemed to need to go somewhere else, because without saying a word, he kind of left the scene right there.

"Congratulations Hannah and Ana. "

I turned around. It was Amanda. Again. "Thanks?" I answered, not sure if she meant it. Her tone had sounded agitiated, not pleased.

"You're the star of the play. Wow. I am Maleficient," she added.

"Oh, great job for landing the role!" I answered, happy for her. She didn't seem to be happy about it.

"Yeah, not so great as being Aurora, but, oh well." She sighed. "Do you want to rehearse lines together, tonight, maybe, and do homework from Biology class?" she asked abruptly.

"Sure, that'd be fun. Ana is one of the fairies, you know, she can come too-right?" I asked.

"Oh, I am afraid she might have to study instead, to keep up with the A+s in history class. Right Ana?" she asked sweetly.

"No, really. I do have to practice my ballet routine though, so I don't think I could make it anyway," Ana responded very quietly.

"That's fine. That is more important right now, anyway," she said to Ana in a sweet voice, that sounded pretentious. She turned back to me. "We'll have lots of fun, just the two of us," she assured me.  


That night, when I came over to Amanda's house, Amanda and I settled down for our lines. After practicing with them for awhile, we started to chat.

"How do you do so well in school?" she asked out of nowhere.

"Well, I guess I always try to put schoolwork first and always make homework every night a priority. I am really not that smart though," I said in answer to her question.

She laughed. "Don't be modest Hannah. You know you are. Besides, modesty of speech is something I detest in a person. If you're good at something, say it! Why hide it?"

"Well, yeah, I guess," I answered. I hadn't been trying to be modest. "Do you, um, want to do homework now?"

"No, let's, go shopping. We can get you a makeover outfit," she said, calmly eating a cookie.

"A makeover outfit?" I asked, uneasy.

"Yeah, some clothes that everyone else that's cool at school wears. Not that."

She pointed to my top. It was a elbow-length top,  with a sequin heart design on it, and purple background material. Maybe she was right? My outfit did seem so middle school. It was time to grow up and look like one in high school! I thought to myself.


The next day, I had my new makeover outfit on, and came downstairs for a quick breakfast before I was off to school.

"I don't know what you're thinking Hannah. But you are not wearing that outfit." my Mom said, surprised.

"Why not? Its what most of the kids at Thomas Edison wears. And Amanda helped me pick it out." I pointed out to her.

"I get the feeling Amanda has strange fashion taste." she said calmly. 

"Amanda's mom lets her wear stuff like this to school," I reminded mom.

"Well, that's her mom. As your mom, I am saying you are not wearing that today."

I huffed and went back downstairs to my room. I glanced at myself in my long mirror. Maybe mom was right. I took a closer look. I had black nylons on, with a short, form-fitting skirt that was shiny black. My top was really not like the modest clothes I had always worn- it wasn't really revealing-but definitely lower than I was used to. And it had these red sequins on it with a crazy design. What had I been thinking? This outfit was crazy and not my style. I pulled a pair out a pair of sparkly jeans and a junior high choir hoodie out and slipped into them. I felt more like myself then.

"Hannah! Phone for you," my mom called, knocking on my bedroom door.

"Thanks," I responded, picking up the phone. She took a look at me for a long second and then turned to go upstairs.

"Hello?" I creaked, in-confidently. I really didn't like arguing with my mom.

hi Hannah! It's Amanda."

"Oh, hey, Amanda. What's up?"

"I was just calling to tell you that you should really wear your hair down. You always wear it in a ponytail, which is so everyday, and not girly enough. It will look better with your outfit anyway."

"I'm sorry, Amanda, but I wont be able to wear my new outfit today."

"What?" she asked, in shocked tones.

"My mom doesn't like it, so I cant."

"Just stuff your new clothes in your backpack and come to school."

"What? Amanda-no-"

"Just do it," she said, calmly interrupting me. "See you at school." Then she hung up.

What was going on? I did realize Amanda was really actually kind of popular at school. Should I listen? But mom had clearly said no. I shouldn't- Oh, just do it. you're old enough to make your own decisions! I heard a voice inside of me say. I looked at the new clothes on my bed. Quickly, I stuffed them in my backpack and tried to shut up my conscience as I quickly said goodbye to mom and ran out the front door to catch the bus.

There was a big feeling of guilt inside of me, but I just tried to get rid of it. Maybe I'd look my age after some help from Amanda. I was really tired of always looking like a little kid. That couldn't be wrong, right? 


What do you guys think? Do you think Hannah is really doing the right thing? Or is she being influenced in her wanting to "fit in" at school? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote! ;)

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