Chapter 19

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THE CLASS BELL RANG. Loud, clear, distinct, and frightening for me. The first period of today.

Nervously, I lugged my backpack into my first period classroom, just hoping Amanda wouldn't be there.

Be strong, Hannah. Don't let her bother you anymore. It doesn't matter.

Nevertheless, Amanda tried to tweek me. But I just ignored her to the best of my ability to do so. She was mean, and it was hard. But Ana and Danny had made me promise to myself that her mean comments and actions wouldn't bother me anymore, because they weren't true.

Great. We have French Club after school tomorrow and drama practice today, I remembered. Both with Amanda.


After getting into our positions for drama practice after school today, Amanda begin to say mean stuff, but this was the first time she said something right in front of everyone else. Usually, she was cowardly enough to say it behind-the-scenes where nobody else heard.

"You know, Hannah, you're going to have to be pretty dolled up with tons of make-up on show night, to look anything close to the original beautiful Aurora. If you don't use a bunch of make-up, the whole show will become a joke with you supposingly a beautiful princess."

All the cast and helpers there looked in shock at Amanda and what she had been implying about my looks.

"You know, Amanda, you've played your part as Maleficent very well throughout practice. Its almost like you have had lots of practice before to be like Maleficent. How do you play it so well?" Danny questioned her before I had said or reacted much to her cruel remark.

Amanda was taken aback. She hesitated, then answered, "Well, I have always done excellently well in drama. So, I just do it," she answered quickly, firing up a little.

"Hm. Cool." Danny turned quickly away, giving her a darting look.

Amanda, then, suddenly got up the courage back to say, "Unlike Hannah, of course. She stinks. And she's so unattractive, the casting team must have gone nuts to choose her for the lead role."

Danny turned quickly at her, fire in his eyes. "You better just back off Amanda. Do you hear me? I have had enough of you bullying Hannah. If you don't stop right now, I will make sure you do stop soon enough. You hear?" he demanded.

Wow. Danny was the sweet guy, in the back of class, who never said much. Where did this defensive anger and protectiveness come from in him? 

Amanda looked shocked. "Yeah, um sure. I don't bully Hannah, I am just saying the truth Danny. Its true-she has no talent for acting, and she's quite unattractive."

"Stop it! If I ever hear you talking like that to or about Hannah again, I'm calling your parents, and report you to the school principal. If I find out you say or do anything to Hannah, or Ana Hart, I'm going to do something drastic. Just to let you know, Hannah was chosen as Aurora for a reason. She's beautiful, sweet, and very talented. As are you perfectly fit in playing the part of Maleficent," he shot back additionally.

Amanda looked at Danny and me, with big eyes. "Yeah, you don't need to worry about me anymore. I will cut connections entirely with her."

"Good," he shot back.

All through drama practice, everyone stared at me, Amanda and Danny. For once, it didn't bother Danny, who was quiet and could be very shy.

Now, I was the one being uncomfortable about it. It was so strange, a guy standing up for me like this. All through elementary and middle school, I was the girl who only had friends who were girls. No guy friends. Danny is just such a great friend though, I thought thankfully. But it didn't take away from the awkwardness of everyone staring at us and whispering to each other. Amanda, to be honest, didn't seem to be enjoying the experience of being the center of everyone's gossip either. She left right after drama practice ended.

"Hey Hannah, are you kinda upset with me for all I said? I am sorry, I got so upset. I just couldn't take Amanda anymore, making up all those lies about you just because she's jealous," Danny said, walking out of the fine arts room with me.

"No, not at all. Thank you so much Danny! I just got embarrassed with everyone talking about and at us at practice. Thank you, Danny, for- for- being my friend!" I said, quiet, not so embarrassed anymore.

"Of course Hannah. You're the coolest girl I know, and I just told myself that Amanda was done messing with you. I really had a hard time convincing myself to speak up like that, but when she said what she did, I couldn't take it anymore."

"Thank you Danny." I gave him a big hug. (By the way, hugging to me is holding someone tight for a minimum of ten seconds. I love hugs and tend to hold on, especially after or when I am feeling hurt.) Some kids from drama walked by, and laughed at us. I quickly let go, kinda embarrassed. I guess I had forgotten about drama and what people from there would think-Danny was a guy, after all.I laughed nervously, "sorry for holding on for so long," I said, quite embarrassed.

"Its fine," he said with a shy and sweet smile. "I love hugs anyway."

We walked together until we got to our parents' cars waiting for us, and waved goodbye to each other.


I am so sorry for not updating before this! I got quite busy, and was hoping this chapter would turn out well, since we are nearing the end of the book, haha. How did you like this chapter? Let me know in the comments, and if you could vote for this chapter, it'd be really appreciated! Love you all! <3

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