Chapter 4

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IT WAS LATE EVENING THAT DAY. Afternoon classes had gone well, except I had gotten tons of homework, especially for the first day of school. I had about 20 Algebra practice problems, a mini-report in history, and 10 chapters of Pride and Prejudice to read, all tonight, for Advanced English literature and composition class. At least the chapters are not very long, I told myself trying to cheer up as I scanned my notes for homework.

I settled in my worn beanbag to start reading the classic novel. Before I started, though, I begin to think about my day. It had went better then I thought it would- and it looked like Ana and I would be doing just about everything in high school together, which I was very happy about. All my teachers seemed pretty nice, especially my Algebra teacher.
Honestly, I had never thought my Algebra teacher would be my favorite, but I think she will be since I'd a chance to see how kind she was, as well as helpful. My Biology teacher was not as bad as I thought she'd be, had learned a lot in French class on introducing yourself in French today, choir had been fun, and English literature had a male teacher, different from my usual experience, (haha!) but overall it was a great first day of high school. Ana and I was very excited about auditioning or helping out with the drama production at school. We had stopped by the school library for more information after school today. The only thing in high school I just worried over the most right now was initiation and stuff like that. Although Thomas Edison didn't exactly have a terrible reputation for freshmen initiation- I still worried. I had some pretty mean kids in middle school at times, and never wanted to go back to those situations from a couple years ago. Both me and my parents had at one time strongly considered homeschooling during that time in middle school. That's when I met Molly and Riley, twin sisters, and things got a lot  better. They had made sure then I wasn't picked on anymore. There was just one thing that had happened today-which bothered me. And it wasn't about or made against me.

It was with Ana.

Her and I had been putting away some things after choir in our lockers. One of the girls from choir had asked who I was. I introduced myself and Ana, and she said hello to Amanda, the girl. Amanda had then giggled, asking "where are you from?"

"She's from France, and came here about a half a year ago Amanda," I told her somewhat confused and surprised by her question.

"Ah, from France. I see." Amanda had put on a smirk and walked away haughtily.

What had that meant?  I asked myself. I guess Ana certainly had a French accent; she did pronounce words with it and was very quiet when she spoke too. But why had Amanda laughed? For some reason, I felt like there might be trouble for Ana or both of us. But I resolved to always stick by Ana, no matter what would happen. Besides, just this morning, I had told myself I would stay loyal and kind to my friends, and I had truly meant it.

I startled myself by waking up out of my thoughts. It was 7:30, by glancing at the clock on my nightstand, and by average, I had perhaps two hours of homework to do before going to bed was even an option. I was always one to get to bed rather early, at least during the school year. Finishing by 9:30 wouldn't be too bad, but I needed to start now. My favorite TV show was on tonight-but homework would always have to come first.

I picked up my copy of Pride and Prejudice  to start reading. Just then, my mom came in. "Honey, are you coming up to watch TV with the family?" she asked, winking. "Your favorite show will be on soon."

"Sorry, Mom, I have a lot of homework, I really don't think I can tonight," I said apologetically.

"Well, here's some popcorn we just made. I don't want you staying up too late. We'll have family prayer at 9:00, alright?"

"Okay. Thanks Mom."

She gave me a hug, and before leaving, said with a tone of sadness and oh-my-gosh-my-girl's-growing-up tone, "my little girl, already in high school." She sighed softly and closed my door. "I love you, honey".

"I love you too, Mom," I replied, smiling. My mom always made me happy whenever she was around. She was so encouraging. Just after school today, she was home early from work to ask about my day. I told her basically everything, except the homework part. I guess I had been thinking about everything going on in high school except the school part of high school! I laughed at and reminded myself I had a lot of homework to do.

Let's do some reading, then Algebra problems, then the history report, I told myself. I always felt better planning my work out, instead of haphazardly doing it. I thought it was a better, more efficient way to study. "Well, I hope the history report will come out well," I said, talking to myself. I can definitely handle reading and doing lesson 1 Algebra problems, of course- it's just that writing compositions have to be really good. My World History teacher had said today: "You're in high school, so I expect high school level work. No babyish compositions- if you want a good grade in this class, you'll have to work hard at it." Although English writing was never too hard in middle school for me, what Mrs. Sylvester had said scared me. Besides, I told myself, I'm not in middle school anymore.

Later that night, after all my reading was finished, plus most of my history report and Algebra, my tablet dinged. I turned it on and clicked on messages. I had one from Riley.

Hi Hannah! I know you messaged me about school today, so I thought I would tell you about me and Molly's day too. It went great. All our old school buddies, of course, were there. Our favorite class, we think, is history. We love our teacher! Anyway, we have this big project that is due this Thursday, and we are working on it, so I better go. :P But we both miss you! It sounds like high school is going good for you and Ana too. We need to get together as soon as possible to hang out! :)


Riley (and Molly)

I was happy to hear from them. It made feel so much how I missed them. I messaged right back:

Hi Riley (and Molly :)!

It's awesome hearing from u! U sound like your freshman year is off to a great start! The funny thing is, Anna and my history teacher seems kinda strict and will probably be my hardest teacher this year. Haha! I still have a little homework left and its getting late, so I cant message u about half of what I want to tell ya both. We can just talk tons next time we see each other :) (Maybe next weekend?) Message me after school tomorrow if u can about the project you're working on, I cant wait to hear about it! :) Miss and love ya both!



After finishing up a couple last Algebra problems and looking over my history report, I looked at my clock and it was about 9:00. I finished up early! I thought happily.

Content, but tired, I lay on my bed, sighing a little bit. I decided to go downstairs to see my family, at least for a few minutes. We would be having family prayer soon anyway, and I enjoyed hanging out with my somewhat large family who always shared a lot of fun, faith and laughs on a daily basis. Besides, Andrew might be wondering how my day at school went, and I'd ask about his. My eyes twinkled as I walked up our stairs to the big living room for family time.


If you have been wanting a longer chapter in my story, then I hoped you liked the longer length of this chapter. Let me know how you liked it by commenting below, and voting, if you enjoyed it. Please share with your friends too! :)


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