Chapter 20

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I know now that I don't need to feel bad about myself anymore. I'm special. Loved. Beautiful in God's eyes, if not in anyone else's. Even though Amanda is cruel, and I am definitely not popular at school, I have two best friends that are sweet, caring, and love me. They even forgave me after being a terrible friend to them. No matter what, even if the bullying ever starts again, Ana, Danny and I have each other, our families, and God.

I am so happy to feel at peace at last. The bullying was starting to take a toll on my health I think. I couldn't sleep, and I was feeling very sick, although I told nobody, so I wouldn't worry them. I slept for a whole 8 hours straight last night. It was wonderful.

I closed my journal, and realized it was 11:00 already. And I was very tired. I slipped into my PJ's, then did my nightly routine of washing my face and applying moisturizer, brushing my teeth, and applying some chapstick to my always dry lips.

I cuddled under the covers of my bed, and checked my phone before I'd hopefully drift off to sleep within a few minutes. There was a message from Amanda.

Should I open it?

I felt like the terrible old life I had been through the past few months was already coming back. No. Amanda is not making my life miserable anymore. I touched the button labeled, delete. Then I thought of something funny.

I laughed. I begin typing a new message to Amanda. It wasn't very personal though.

I hit the send button, and giggled.

I had wrote:


I laughed, I had found this online joke a couple weeks ago. Amanda would probably know that was just sent by me, but at least she knew now that I had a sense of humor and wouldn't be affected by her mean words anymore.


At the French Club meeting, Amanda wouldn't greet me or even look me in the eye. That's a first, I thought.

Amanda gave her short speech about why she should be president of the club. Except Amanda wasn't her usual, ultra-confident, I'm-awesome-and-I-know-it manner. She just gave it, without much emotion, and finished and sat back down stiffly. There was just a couple clapping hands when she finished. Then it was Ana's turn.

"Hello, I am Ana Hart, and I just moved from France, about a year ago here to America," she breathed slowly in and out, and paused, obviously nervous. "You can do it," I voiced to her. She breathed again, and continued: " I'm a freshman at Thomas Edison, and I am super excited to be a member of French Club and run for president of our club. I think I am qualified for presidency, because of my love for French language and culture, being French myself I have a fond patriotism of my home country, and I love to lead. Being president of this club would help me grow in, and demonstrate, the leadership skills I learned back home in middle school. I am very excited for the opportunity of being a candidate for French Club presidency, and although I have no specific campaign promises of any kind, I can promise that I will help the awareness for French language and culture will grow on our campus with me as president to help lead the club in educational and active group activities,  and that we could grow in love and appreciation of French culture with me as president. Thank you."

Everyone stood up and clapped. Well, besides Amanda and three of her girlfriends. Then it was time to vote.

"I wonder who will be elected," said Ana modestly, her eyes sparkling. "Its obvious," I whispered back, giggling, as I handed my ballot to Miss Andrea. After a few minutes, Miss Andrea and a student assistant finished counting and adding up the votes. Miss Andrea begin: "Thank you both to Amanda and Ana for running this year for presidency in our club. The one who received the most votes, and who has been elected president, is Ana Hart. Congratulations Ana!"

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