Chapter 14

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AMANDA HART? Amanda Hart as in the girl I had been being "best friends" with!
But as that hit me, it actually started to make alot of sense. Amanda had always been pushing me to be someone I am not. She had given me this new wardrobe, convinced me to cover myself in make up, and I had said yes, hoping to become popular. Even worse, she had kept me from my friends. Danny and Ana and Molly and Riley. I had just about abandoned them since I had become friends with Amanda. There was even one time when Ana came up in our conversation. Why hadn't she come up in our conversations more anyway? I asked myself.
"Hannah. Why on earth would you want to be friends with such a nerdy foreign loser as Ana?" She asked me spitefully.
I had protested, but then she quickly changed the subject to something else.
A nerdy foreign loser as Ana? What a terrible comment she had said about dear Ana, and I had not said a word in her defense!
A huge pit of guilt began to grow inside of me. Because I had been selfish, Ana must of been all alone in her fight to recover and live over bullying. Why had I not been there for her? How about Molly and Riley? Do they even like me anymore?
I had a talk with my parents that night. My progress report had been issued for first quarter from school. The grades, at least most of them, werent bad. Except for a glaring red D in Biology. Yep. And I was afraid of what my parents were going to say. But they said everything was going to be okay, they'd help me study more, and they knew I had been under alot of pressure. I have the best parents in the world I thought.
I remembered what Amanda had been telling me. "You need to show some backbone towards your parents. School is not everything," she had said firmly, putting a strong emphasis on the word not.
School may not be everything, I said aloud that night thinking about it, "but it sure is a lot to me, to say the least. And I want to try my best in it."
At school the next day, Ana and I were hoping to get our textbooks out of our lockers as we tryed to open them among the jam of students rushing into their first period classes running against time and against us to make it to their class on the third floor. I finally was able to unlock it as the crowd slowed down, and glanced over at Ana's. Her face fell. "Hannah. Someone got in my locker. And look-" she choked. Her French 101 textbook was ruined. It was sloppy wet with water. "Ana, your book!" I exclaimed.
It was ruined. "Who did this?" She said, tears welling in her eyes.
"Amanda," I said quietly. As I looked into her locker to make sure there wasn't any other tricks, I saw a note.
Hey loser!
Aw! Looks like youre going to have some problems keeping up with the class-your book looks ruined to me. So sad. Well, I am sure you can do well in all your other classes, like U.S. history. Unless something bad happens to your books for that class too. Haha.
See you around loser!
I gasped. Amanda was pushy and disrespectful and bossy, but this? How could she do such a thing?
I crumpled the note and stuffed it in my backpack before Ana could see. I didn't want her to experience even more hurt. She didn't deserve it.
"Ana, I promise, we'll figure this out."
Her and I hugged long and hard, crying together, even if it meant being tardy for first period.

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