Break Up

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I shouted at my, now to be, ex-boyfriend, Toby. I just saw him shag a girl at a club that we went too. I started to tear up as I saw him hesitate to pull back. That piece of sh-

"Oh... Umm... You... Ugh... Do I know you?" He asked. I stood there frozen, trying to process everything that just happened.

"VERONICA?!" I yelled with a tears streaming down my face. The pain that took place in my mid chest made my voice weak and soft.

"Oh! Veronica, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-" He said but I cut him off,

"No... No. I was an idiot for trusting you!" I yelled chuckling, venom dripping in each word.

"No babe-"

"DONT FUCKING CALL ME BABE! IM NOT YOUR DAMN BABE!" I screeched, trying to sound louder as I wouldn't show as much weakness.

"P-Please! Don't leave me..." He said with his eyes getting watery as I shook my head no. The blonde who he had previously made out with left, muttering, "I'll miss my flight."

"Leave me alone. We're done." I whispered and left. I walked out the door until someone grabbed my wrist. Who ever grabbed my wrist, made me turn around.

As I saw Toby, he immediatly crashed his lips onto mine. When he kissed me, I felt nothing. Like it was just any old kiss. It didn't feel special. Then I realized that everyone of our kisses didn't feel like anything.

"I'm sorry..." He said as he pulled back.

"I'm sorry too..." I said and got out of his grasp and started to walk away from him.

"Veronica, please..." Toby pleaded as he quickened his pace to catch up.

"Toby, answer this for me, truthfully..." I said to him, looking at the ground.

"Do you feel anything, when ever we kiss?" I questioned, looking up at him now.

"Y-No..." He spoke, wanting to say yes.

"I've heard that...your suppose to feel a spark. Like fireworks are exploding while you two kiss. Not just a simple kiss. Goodbye Toby." I said and left with that. I came back to my flat and I went strait to my bedroom. I laid at the edge of my bed as I put a cup of water in from of me. I grabbed all the pictures of Toby and I and stared at it. A tear rolled down my cheek as I laid on my stomach.

"I thought he loved me." I whispered with my head still hanging.

"I thought he loved me." I whispered once more. Toby and I have been together for about three years. I thought nothing would break our relationship. But I guess I was wrong.

I took out a lighter and grabbed a picture of Toby and I. I started the fire and brought it to the corner of the picture. A tear rolled off my cheek and hit the fire, causing it to put it out. So I lit the fire again. It started to burn the picture.

It got close to the other side of the corner and turned the other half into ashes. It got really close to the edge so I dropped it in the water. Watching it burn, just made more tears flow out. It's killing the picture just like my relationship with Toby. It got killed. I did the same with the rest of the photos of me and him.

*And I Set Fire, To The Rain, And I Threw Us, Into The Flame...*

"Hello?" I answered my phone trying not to sound like I've been crying.

"Veronica, I wanted to talk to you about a job offer..." My manager, Gigi, responded.

"Mm hm? What about?" I asked.

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