Fighting For Us

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"Is that all?" I ask, brushing my teeth.

His eyes look at me, "Yes."

"I made such a mess and I only made it bigger by going out and drowning out my sorrows. Luckily I had a good friend who knew what was best. But to be fair, she did have some faults. I can't keep thinking it is always my fault! What she did was completely wrong and not a harmless joke. Why would she ever play a "prank" or "joke" about being pregnant. Pregnancy is something serious and nothing to be joking around about! I am not saying, it is all her fault because it is not! I had some faults and she had some faults and we both have to be mature enough to admit that."

Jay looked at me and smiled. A genuine smile that made me feel everything was going to be okay. As I put away my toothbrush and pat my face with a towel, I realize I have to do what is right and apologize.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my torso and panic washed over me causing me to turn around and push away the person who had hugged me. Then I met a pair of hazel eyes and embraced the one I have been needing to talk to.

"Veronica, I-" She stopped me mid sentence with a slow but passionate kiss. "I know," Veronica sighed and ran her fingers through her long hair. "And I am sorry! This whole mess started because of my dumb "joke" and Justin made me realize that and I am just sorry! I heard you, I really did and you are completely right! I love you so so much and I want us to get married as soon as possible! I never want what we have to go to waste for some stupid prank that I childishly made, not thinking of the consequences or the seriousness of the topic and situation. I love you Nathan Sykes, I really do." I noticed her puffy eyes, and her red but pale cheeks, the bags under her eyes and her tangled hair. I must have looked the same. A mess, most would say. But appearance would not matter to us.

"You heard what I said to Bird?" Veronica smiled and nodded.

"I am sorry too."


A/N: I am sorry as well for not updating but this book is absolute shit and even I say it. I do not want to take it down just because I want to look back at my idea of "writing." I have learnt a lot about being an author and one can not simply, "wing it." Which is what I have done with this book. But it is okay because I may not be a great author now but I know that I have improved. And I will get there one day or maybe not. But I have had fun writing this book. I also want to keep this book to look back at the mistakes and errors I have made so I know not to do those thing but also how I can improve.

Because I believe,

We need the negatives to get the positives

Also I did not edit any errors in this chapter so yeah sorry for any mistakes or confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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